Mon, Nov 15, 2010
This is one of the most important messages I've ever given. We all know about God's grace and receiving His forgiveness for our sins. But then what? Going forward, even WITH God's Spirit, will we be judged by our righteousness? Even with the Holy Spirit, Paul said HE kept failing (Romans7). What's the answer? We must be righteous, for the unrighteous won't be in the kingdom of God. But whose righteousness alone is good enough for the kingdom? God offers a gift many believers have not fully received. Experience the joy of His salvation that comes when we truly understand this great gift - while avoiding the two ditches: the ditch of legalism or the ditch of license to disobey Yahweh's ways.
Fri, Oct 15, 2010
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
We see environmental extremes: corporations exploiting God's creation-and then others practically worshiping the earth and its creatures. As a child of the Eternal God, what are our responsibilities to God's earth, the environment and to His creation? What does Yahweh have to say about animals, land, seas and rivers, and His earth? We pray this message will make the rounds among children of God and help us all be better stewards over His creation without going to the extremes of some environmental activists. We end with tips on what we can be doing now.
Sun, Aug 15, 2010
Duration: 1 hr 11 mins 54 secs
Most people set their hearts on something or someone. Have you thought about what, or who, your life is set on? Have you ever "reset" what which you've set your life on? Are our hearts set on the right One and the right end result? Why is this important? What does scripture say about setting ourselves, and setting our hearts? Individually and as children of the Highest, it's time to set or reset ourselves to do and to be what we've been called to do and to be.
Tue, Aug 10, 2010
Why pray? This summer, how much have we been praying? This message is tailor made for anyone who has been letting solid prayer slide lately. If you need some motivation to pray more diligently, listen to this heart-felt message as Philip discusses seven reasons to pray. One or two of the reasons may be new concepts for many. Understanding why we pray helps one be more motivated to be praying regularly, effectively and frequently.
Sat, Apr 03, 2010
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
It's inspiring to see how perfectly Yeshua the Messiah fulfilled to the tiniest detail, the picture shown by the Passover lamb. This message shows how God's holydays actually rehearse future events in precise detail, down to the exact minute. What happened on the 10th of the month in Jesus' life? What exact words were sung at His last Passover? Did Yeshua help His Father deleaven? This and more.
Thu, Mar 25, 2010
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 11 secs
We present fresh material and review what is commonly known, about the footwashing, broken matzah and red wine and how these depict our relationship with Jesus and the first step of God's plan of salvation. Also: the Jewish Seder, why the 15th is called "the Night to be Much Observed", why 4 cups of wine at the Seder and why Jesus did not drink the 4th cup. Meaning of "The Cup"; the engagement to Christ; Cana's significance, and more!
Mon, Mar 22, 2010
Duration: 1 hr 15 mins 52 secs
By sundown of Passover day we may have our homes deleavened - but could we have missed the most important leavening still in our homes? Could we be entering the Feast of Unleavened Bread full of leavening? This is a timely and important topic about the most important deleavening we can do before the Passover.
Fri, Mar 19, 2010
Duration: 1 hr 13 mins 52 secs
One of my favorite heart-felt messages, delivered to a live audience in CA in 1989 but as current as ever. Use this as part of a pre-baptism or pre-Passover examination of how far we have truly overcome or changed since God called us. We explain how we do what we do because of what we are. We have to acknowledge what we are, repent and have God give us His new nature before real and permanent change occurs. Why does this make any difference? Repentance will take on a much more personal and much deeper meaning after this message.
Mon, Mar 15, 2010
Duration: 1 hr 6 mins 42 secs
A helpful message for anyone contemplating baptism or wishing to review and recommit before Passover. Baptism is so much more than a ritual we go through. Why do we immerse people? How many types of baptisms are there? Also: "baptism of fire" and how that differs from the baptism of the Holy Spirit, overview of repentance, counting the cost, the Jewish mikvahs, who should baptize, and into what name are we baptized and much more.
Fri, Mar 05, 2010
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 11 secs
We present fresh material and review what is commonly known, about the footwashing, broken matzah and red wine and how these depict our relationship with Jesus and the first step of God's plan of salvation. Also: the Jewish Seder, why the 15th is called "the Night to be Much Observed", why 4 cups of wine at the Seder and why Jesus did not drink the 4th cup. Meaning of "The Cup"; the engagement to Christ; Cana's significance, and more!