
Sermons in this series
Wed, Dec 05, 2012
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs
I consider this to be one of the most important topics to understand in our lives as chosen children of YHVH. After we repent, accept Yeshua's sacrifice and have our sins forgiven, then what? How do we ever become righteous enough to be worthy of the Kingdom of God? Hear about the seldom discussed gift our Father offers us by faith that will see us to perfection at the resurrection. That and so much more are discussed.
Wed, Dec 15, 2010
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 35 secs
Last time I discussed - the forgotten gift - God's righteousness imputed to His children by faith. How do we live in that righteousness? How do we evidence the fruit of His life in us? I discuss the implications of being part of His perfect body; how you and I must witness to His resurrection, even almost 2,000 years after the fact.
Mon, Nov 15, 2010
This is one of the most important messages I've ever given. We all know about God's grace and receiving His forgiveness for our sins. But then what? Going forward, even WITH God's Spirit, will we be judged by our righteousness? Even with the Holy Spirit, Paul said HE kept failing (Romans7). What's the answer? We must be righteous, for the unrighteous won't be in the kingdom of God. But whose righteousness alone is good enough for the kingdom? God offers a gift many believers have not fully received. Experience the joy of His salvation that comes when we truly understand this great gift - while avoiding the two ditches: the ditch of legalism or the ditch of license to disobey Yahweh's ways.
Tue, Jul 15, 2008
Duration: 1 hr 10 mins 47 secs
Final segment on this huge topic. Hardly a chapter goes by in the Epistles without a mention of being in Christ, in Him, or in God. Why? Because everything to do with our new life, eternal life - is in Him. Here we put it all together, then go on with more about our one-on-One with God, followed by a discussion of Colossians 1-3 and Ephesians 1-2, which have so much to say about being in Christ.
Sun, Apr 20, 2008
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 44 secs
You know we are the dwelling place of God by His Spirit. Are you as conscious about how we now must also abide and dwell in God and Christ? This sermon reveals how that must be the case for us to have a future, to know God, and to be His children. Appreciate Passover more deeply than you may have before as you grasp the many wondrous rewards, privileges, opportunities and gifts we have if we are "in Christ" - and even "in GOD", as we'll rehearse in this sermon.
Thu, Apr 10, 2008
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 35 secs
Have you ever met God, had your personal encounter with the Highest -- and come to know Him and know that He knows you? We are often challenged by the question if we know God. Paul said his greatest aim was to know God (Phil 3:8-10). Listen how Scripture makes it clear that the Creator says He also wants to intimately know each of us. Find out why, and how He defines knowing you. This is sobering, frightening and yet also inspiring and heart-warming to learn the Highest says He really needs to, and wants to, get to know you.
Sat, Feb 10, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 21 mins 7 secs
Is the righteousness of God by faith alone - or does God call us to live and practice His righteousness every day? If so, how? If we have to practice it, how can it also be imputed to us? Hear scripture's answers of how we let Jesus live in us - and experience the resulting peace and joy.
Wed, Jan 10, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 52 secs
We continue from Philippians 3:9 and examine "the righteousness of God by faith". This alone is saving righteousness, for without holiness we shall not see God. Learn about "imputed" righteousness and the "GIFT of righteousness". Also, HOW we receive God's righteousness.
Sun, Jan 07, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins 53 secs
We know we must be righteous, but we must be sure we understand what it is, how we get it, and how the Bible describes 2 kinds of righteousness: our own from the law, and the righteousness of God by faith. Without the right kind of saving righteousness, we will not be in the kingdom! Topics: importance of the Law in defining righteousness and its place in our ultimate righteousness. Can obeying the law justify, save us, or make us righteous to inherit God's kingdom?
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