
Latest sermons by
Fri, Oct 10, 2008
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins
We hope this message will lift you up, in Messiah, to plant new seed in your life, to end up right. This message is tied in to the 8th day of the Feast, after the Feast of Tabernacles. It pictures the time when the Eternal resurrects the dead and gives them the opportunity to have a new life. Our opportunity is to change course now in Him, plant new seed and have a new, good harvest.
Sun, Aug 10, 2008
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 44 secs
There's been a lot of attention lately on wealth -- the stock market, retirement security and having it all, or losing it all. How rich are you? Did you know God wants us to be fabulously rich with "true riches"? How does one become "spiritually rich"? The Eternal God, richest of all, explains how the world may think of you as being poor, but He sees you as rich, and vice versa. Are you spiritually rich? Is God against the rich and does He favor the poor? Find out in this message.
Tue, Jul 15, 2008
Duration: 1 hr 10 mins 47 secs
Final segment on this huge topic. Hardly a chapter goes by in the Epistles without a mention of being in Christ, in Him, or in God. Why? Because everything to do with our new life, eternal life - is in Him. Here we put it all together, then go on with more about our one-on-One with God, followed by a discussion of Colossians 1-3 and Ephesians 1-2, which have so much to say about being in Christ.
Mon, Jul 07, 2008
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 56 secs
New Testament writers speak of being "in Christ, in God, in Him, in whom" in practically every chapter of the epistles. This message explains why we need to understand this vital topic of becoming one Spirit with Christ. We cover how closely Yahweh is to His chosen people, how we come to be in Christ, how men and women with God's Spirit can right now be in our heavenly Father - and much more. We conclude by introducing the topic of our personal "one-on-One" with the Almighty, as part of being In Him.
Sun, Apr 20, 2008
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 44 secs
You know we are the dwelling place of God by His Spirit. Are you as conscious about how we now must also abide and dwell in God and Christ? This sermon reveals how that must be the case for us to have a future, to know God, and to be His children. Appreciate Passover more deeply than you may have before as you grasp the many wondrous rewards, privileges, opportunities and gifts we have if we are "in Christ" - and even "in GOD", as we'll rehearse in this sermon.
Tue, Apr 15, 2008
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 10 secs
(Originally given March 2004) Any Bible student knows that to receive God's forgiveness, we must forgive others. Have you really forgiven EVERYONE? We're told to forgive "AS" God has forgiven us, in the same manner and attitude, from the heart. This message challenges its listeners to understand how difficult it is to truly forgive the way God wants us to. Hear moving examples of the incredibly forgiving hearts of our spiritual forefathers, and lessons we can learn from them. There are rewards we'll experience here and now, as well as in the life to come, by practicing this vitally wonderful act and trait.
Thu, Apr 10, 2008
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 35 secs
Have you ever met God, had your personal encounter with the Highest -- and come to know Him and know that He knows you? We are often challenged by the question if we know God. Paul said his greatest aim was to know God (Phil 3:8-10). Listen how Scripture makes it clear that the Creator says He also wants to intimately know each of us. Find out why, and how He defines knowing you. This is sobering, frightening and yet also inspiring and heart-warming to learn the Highest says He really needs to, and wants to, get to know you.
Mon, Dec 17, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 24 secs
Many will ignore God's command to come out of Babylon - to their peril -- on the assumption they are not IN Babylon. But why would God command His people to come out of her, if they were not in Babylon? Listen carefully. This message could spare you from sharing in Babylon's horrific plagues and curses from God. Learn who modern Babylon is, who "My people" are, and most importantly - ways you and I may be part of Babylon without realizing it.
Fri, Dec 07, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 54 secs
There's a movement to "put Christ back into Christmas". Was Jesus ever in Christmas in the first place? Someone was born on December 25th, but was it Christ? Why would two gospels- Mark and John - totally omit Christ's birth? What do Christmas trees, Yule logs and mistletoe have to do with Jesus? Are traditional beliefs about the "manger scene" even correct? What was the meaning of the three gifts? You'll never think the same way about Jesus' birth - or of Christmas -after this message.
Tue, Jul 10, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 46 secs
Openly acknowledging Christ in our lives. Have you ever had a "Matthew Party"? Is it time to "come out of the Christian closet"? How we must proclaim Christ by our changed lives as well as by our words. Scripture requires both. Making Christianity attractive without obnoxiously parading our beliefs.
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