


Nov 2005 - Aug 2010
Sermons in this series
Tue, Aug 10, 2010
Series: Prayer
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins
Why pray? This summer, how much have we been praying? This message is tailor made for anyone who has been letting solid prayer slide lately. If you need some motivation to pray more diligently, listen to this heart-felt message as Philip discusses seven reasons to pray. One or two of the reasons may be new concepts for many. Understanding why we pray helps one be more motivated to be praying regularly, effectively and frequently.
Sun, Feb 15, 2009
Series: Prayer
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 23 secs
Concluding sermon on how to hear God speaking to you. Does Yahweh speak to us directly, or does He require we receive His messages only through ordained ministers, prophets and priests? Learn the kind of "body Language" the Eternal uses. Can God be speaking to us through "little ones", or through "acts of God" and through His creation? Will God continue to use angels to send His messages? This sermon series could help us all improve our spiritual hearing.
Tue, Feb 10, 2009
Series: Prayer
Duration: 1 hr 11 mins 22 secs
Yahweh, the living and true God, regularly speaks to each of His children. He has not gone silent. If we're not hearing His voice, we're the ones at fault. This sermon explains how we miss hearing God's voice. We mention specific methods the Eternal uses to communicate with His family once we have the gift of the Spirit. This 3 part sermon shows how to sharpen our spiritual hearing by recognizing the ways and means God uses to communicate to us.
Sat, Jan 10, 2009
Series: Prayer
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 30 secs
Does Almighty God still speak directly to all His children - or to just a select few? Do you ever hear God speaking directly to you? This 2-part sermon defines what "hearing God" means, why it's so important that we learn to hear His voice and then how to hone our spiritual hearing so we miss less and less. Using these concepts can change your life.
Thu, Jan 05, 2006
Series: Prayer
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 55 secs
This message concludes our "why pray" series with more points which should help motivate you to pray more often and with more fervency. This concluding message is packed with tips and ideas to help you make the heart-to-heart connection with God. Your praying can become more interesting, come to life more and have more meaning.
Thu, Dec 15, 2005
Series: Prayer
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins
We know we should pray. But why? Knowing "why" may give more meaning to your prayers and more incentive to pray. Does God hear the prayers of sinners, or people who are not part of 'His' church? What God's word actually says may shock you. Also: what you alone can give God when you pray. Praying the scriptures, and more ideas that can energize your praying.
Mon, Dec 05, 2005
Series: Prayer
Duration: 1 hr 9 mins 39 secs
Jesus cleansed the temple, proclaiming it should be the House of Prayer. WE are now the temple of God's spirit but are we God's House of Prayer - or a "temple" that has closed its door and fallen into disrepair? Consecration and rededication of our "temple" may be in order if we want our lives - "God's House of Prayer"- to be to His glory.
Sat, Nov 05, 2005
Series: Prayer
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins
Our formal western societies have all but lost the art of worshiping God. This message reveals God's desire to be worshipped, what worship is, when to worship, how to worship. We hope it changes your life - totally and completely - as you have your one-on-One with God.
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