
Latest sermons by
Sun, Jun 10, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 51 secs
Unlock the most awesome power in all the universe: the very faith of the Son of God Himself, now available to live in you and me, if we ask, believe and receive. Learn how, in this message that can profoundly change our lives if we would just believe and practice it.
Tue, May 15, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 33 secs
First we must be crucified with Christ. Only then can He live in us, and for the first time we can say we have true LIFE. Why salvation must be Christ's work, and not our own. Why He must live in us, and not our own life. How Christ comes to live in us. Also: He must increase, but we must decrease. Signs we are letting Christ live in us. How in our weakness, Christ's strength is magnified.
Thu, May 10, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 53 secs
Message originally given June 2006. Why is Pentecost tied to the spring and early summer harvests? Is God trying to save everyone today? What earth shaking events happened on the first Pentecosts in both the Old and New Testament - and what do they mean? How does Pentecost help explain God's plan of salvation? You'll hear all this and more.
Tue, Apr 10, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 21 mins 31 secs
Why do so many celebrate the pagan Easter holiday instead of God's festival of the Wavesheaf, which celebrates Christ the Firstfruits and His resurrection the Biblical way? Without Wavesheaf Sunday, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, none of the other prophecies about God's kingdom would happen. Hear and read about this fascinating "forgotten festival".
Sat, Mar 10, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 10 secs
People love to quote Gal. 2:20, but do we know what we're committing to when we are "crucified with Christ"? For that matter, why did Jesus have to die by crucifixion? What is it we're crucifying? This is not an easy topic to accept and practice, but a huge key to Christian living.
Sat, Feb 10, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 21 mins 7 secs
Is the righteousness of God by faith alone - or does God call us to live and practice His righteousness every day? If so, how? If we have to practice it, how can it also be imputed to us? Hear scripture's answers of how we let Jesus live in us - and experience the resulting peace and joy.
Wed, Jan 10, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 52 secs
We continue from Philippians 3:9 and examine "the righteousness of God by faith". This alone is saving righteousness, for without holiness we shall not see God. Learn about "imputed" righteousness and the "GIFT of righteousness". Also, HOW we receive God's righteousness.
Sun, Jan 07, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins 53 secs
We know we must be righteous, but we must be sure we understand what it is, how we get it, and how the Bible describes 2 kinds of righteousness: our own from the law, and the righteousness of God by faith. Without the right kind of saving righteousness, we will not be in the kingdom! Topics: importance of the Law in defining righteousness and its place in our ultimate righteousness. Can obeying the law justify, save us, or make us righteous to inherit God's kingdom?
Sun, Dec 17, 2006
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins 45 secs
"Religion". Many now distance themselves from religion because its given itself a bad name. But GOD says there is a true, right and pure religion that He describes and defines. It's different from what we often see practiced. Is your religion useful and pure? Why not find out?
Thu, Dec 07, 2006
Duration: 1 hr 13 mins 47 secs
Peter was told to "launch into the deep" - Luke 5:4. Do we hear King Jesus asking each of us to also launch in His deep? What is "the deep" for you? What does it hold? Where can it take you?
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