Sat, May 01, 2004
Duration: 1 hr 15 mins 58 secs
Do you realize God provides us with daily Manna and like the Israelites of old, we must pick it up each day and feed ourselves and our family? In this message, Philip Shields draws many thought-provoking parallels between the daily manna and our Bible Study (Deut. 8:2-3). You'll never think of manna, or Bible study, the same way again. If you know you need to do more Bible study on a consistent daily basis, this message may provide the motivation you need.
Tue, Mar 30, 2004
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 1 sec
Who will perform the wedding of Christ and His Church? Where and when will Christ's wedding take place? Jesus said we can't know the day nor the hour of His return, but He did promise we could know it was very near if we knew the signs. You'll hear some parallels and hints from the wedding of Boaz and Ruth. Is the Proverbs 31 woman really a parable about the Church? In John 14, Jesus says He goes to prepare a place for us. What does that mean? Philip's message will also take you on a quick tour of highlights of the book of Revelation, as it pertains to the wedding supper.
Fri, Mar 26, 2004
God's themes are woven throughout the scriptures. In Genesis and other books, there are many exciting parallels between the Church and Rebekah, or Israel , and even to the New Covenant apostles. You'll understand much more about the Church and its relationship to Jesus Christ after you hear this message. Find out how God gives His Church an "engagement ring", and how Jesus used the Passover cup as a type of proposal. Learn about Sarah's tent and what that could mean for us. This message also covers the time 74 leaders of Israel ate and drank with God on Mt. Sinai.
Thu, Mar 18, 2004
Duration: 1 hr 9 mins 4 secs
God's son Jesus Christ, is getting married soon. This is the first in a three-part series of messages that explains what Paul calls a great mystery: the wedding of Christ and God's Church. This first message goes in depth about parallels we can glean from when God created a wife for Adam, since Christ is called the "second Adam."; Why and how we must become of the "same KIND" as Christ before we can become "one" with Him.
Fri, Mar 12, 2004
Duration: 1 hr 13 mins 51 secs
God has given you children to raise for Him. Why do so many of our children leave the church, leave their relationship with God? In this message Shields provides 7 helpful points to improve the likelihood of raising godly children who accept Jesus as their Savior and stay in a holy relationship with God. Shields answers many issues including whether or not our children are being called. Why the Bible call them "holy", and much more.
Sun, Mar 07, 2004
Duration: 1 hr 15 mins 27 secs
This message discusses the many phrases used in the Bible to describe "the gospel', including the gospel of the kingdom of God, of Christ, of grace, of salvation, of peace, and many others. Paul pronounces a double curse on those who would preach a false gospel, which could include an incomplete gospel. Learn the very, very clear definition of "the gospel" from Paul himself. Few topics can be as important as this one and this message may challenge your assumptions, regardless of which church you have been attending. Philip stresses the need for a COMPLETE definition of "the gospel".