Sat, Feb 07, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
One of the main reasons people divide and separate is over doctrinal differences. This teaching goes into: what is doctrine? Where does true doctrine come from? How does scripture say we should handle doctrinal disagreements? Which doctrines are crucial to salvation and which ones are not – or are all doctrines crucial? How did Yeshua and Paul handle doctrinal disputes? What’s the balance? I hope this teaching will speak to each one’s heart.
Sat, Jan 24, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs
Part 2. Please listen to Part 1 first. Yeshua (Jesus) promised to build his one church (ekklesia) and it would survive the ages (Matthew 16:18). So where is it? Are all Christians automatically a part of that body? Is it a particular group you can go worship with? WHAT is the true church? WHERE are all its people? Is it any one organization led by a man or woman someplace? Can we meet with others if our doctrines don’t fit 100% with each other? Can a group be part of the true church – but be having some real spiritual problems? WHO does God refer to as “My people”? You might be surprised. Should God’s children become friends with people of the world? Find out! All this and more.
Sat, Jan 17, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
Yeshua (Jesus) said he would build his one church (ekklesia) and it would survive the ages. So where is it? Are all Christians a part of that body? Is it a particular group you can go worship with? WHAT is the true church? WHERE are its people? Is it any one organization led by a man or woman someplace? Who has God called “My people”? HOW does one become a part of this true church? You might be surprised.
Sat, Dec 27, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
Summary: We may study and pray daily, but does that make us “seekers” after God? WHY is it crucially important to seek our Maker? What does “seeking” mean? If you would like to seek HIM, and feel His presence in your life, you’ll benefit from this message. What does “seeking God diligently and first” – look like? What is promised for those who are diligent seekers? This is one of the most important concepts we can possibly cover.
Sat, Nov 29, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
Jesus said, “My Father gives you the Bread from Heaven”. At least for Believers, spiritual Manna has not stopped coming from heaven. Find out WHO the manna represents. How can we eat of the Bread of Life that gives us eternal life? What habits must be engrained if we are to live the parallels between ancient manna and our lives today as Believers? Manna is so much more than just being a picture of the Bible or Bible study. Learn how – and so much more – in this message. Certainly if you want to grow deeper in your love for your Savior and His Word, hear this heartfelt sermon.
Wed, Oct 15, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs
Biblical information is timeless. We are re-posting sermons given previously for your enjoyment. Have a wonderful feast. God's final holyday each year after the seven day feast of Tabernacles is simply called "the 8th Day" in Scripture. Jews call it "Shemini Atzeret" - which also points to 8th. Hear how "8" points to new beginnings, new starts. So the 8th Day Festival can't be about a "LAST Great Day" at all, but about an incredible FIRST NEW DAY - when all things will be made NEW. This sermon is not what Jews are teaching. Nor is it entirely like what is being taught in most Church of God sermons about this day. Find out what it really is all about. Discover Yeshua's tie to Adam and Eve. We hope you will be thrilled as Father lets us catch just a glimpse of what is coming for all who now love Him or will come to love Him and His beloved Son. We're re-running the 2012 sermons as the information is timeless, just the dates have changed.
Tue, Oct 14, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 46 secs
Biblical information is timeless. We are re-posting sermons given previously for your enjoyment. Have a wonderful feast. The 7th day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the last day of the feast, is a very meaningful day. There's more information than I've shared before about this day. Jews have called this day, "Hoshana Rabbah" for millennia - meaning the "Great Salvation" or "Save us, O Great One". Even in the days of Yeshua (Jesus) it was the Great Day of the Feast. Find out why. Find out why water was poured out and why "the Pierced One" led priests around the altar 7 times on this day. Discover the correction for God's people from the prophet Haggai on this very day. Why were there 7 final bulls sacrificed? Read John 7:37-39 and why Yeshua said what He said on this day at the precise moment He did. Find out why humanity will be crying out for King Yeshua (Jesus) to save them this late in the Millennium...and much more.
Sat, Oct 04, 2014
(No Audio available; need some repairs. Use the notes)
This day is the holiest and most solemn day in Judaism. But I ask, is the apprehension associated with this day really what the Bible teaches? It’s vital to get the truth about the meaning of this spectacular day and all that it points to. Some groups spend a lot of time talking about sin, what the human high priest did, or man-made traditions. Others focus on Satan on this day. In the New Covenant, and Hebrews 8-10 etc., our focus must be on our victory in Christ. We focus on the POINT of Lev 16, on our victory, our reconciliation, and on Yeshua (Jesus) who makes it all possible. To him be all glory.
Thu, Sep 25, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 5 secs
I preached this message about Yom Teruah, Feast of Trumpets, in 2013. The dates are different from 2014, but the message is timeless. This year, if you keep the rabbinic calendar, you’re keeping this holyday Sept 25. If you are basing it on seeing the moon in Jerusalem, you’ll likely be keeping it on Sabbath 9/27. Hear this message to learn the next steps leading up to the coming of Yeshua. Does the 7th trumpet sound on the Feast of Trumpets? You might be surprised. Do the saints hover over Jerusalem for a day or two and then land on the Mount of Olives? Learn all about the ram’s horn “shofar”/trumpet. What does it mean for us today? Why is it called a Memorial day? Why is it called “Yom Teruah” in scripture but Jews call it Rosh Hashanah? This and more… be sure to hear this sermon. And be checking the blogs too. I might have a brand new message this year 2014 also.
Sun, Sep 14, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
Paul told Timothy that the House of God, the Temple, is the church – the called-out ones. In this message learn what responsibilities and opportunities it brings to be the dwelling place of God’s presence. Are our lives His House of Prayer? Being dedicated and consecrated for sacrifice, prayer and worship. Temples and threshing floors. When God’s temple needs cleansing. All this and more.