
Latest sermons by
Sat, Aug 23, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
Why do we “go to church services” or to the Feast? This sermon explores the word “worship”. What did that word mean in the original Hebrew and Greek? Does our concept of “worship” in English match what the original Hebrew and Greek referred to? What did Yeshua mean when he said we would worship God “in spirit and truth”? Do you and I really worship? We could be worshiping in vain, according to our Savior. Let’s worship correctly. This message explains how and why.
Fri, Aug 08, 2014
Passage: Psalm 52:12
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
King David recorded his prayer of repentance for us and in Psalm 51:12 asks for “the joy of Your Salvation” to be restored to him, after he had killed Uriah and committed adultery with Uriah’s wife. Are you and I living in the sheer joy of our Father’s salvation? Why do so many of God’s children seem so dour and joyless about the Almighty’s salvation? What is robbing us of our joy of salvation? How do we get that joy in the first place, or have it restored – if we’ve lost it? Whose joy is it? But we all sin – so how can we have any joy of being saved? You’ll find all this and more keys in this latest message about experiencing the wonderful joy of our Creator’s salvation.
Sat, Jul 19, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 30 secs
We know Abba, our heavenly Father, is love personified. This sermon continues that theme (hear the previous sermon first) but now we focus on the question: when we sin, does God still love us? Or do we fall out of His love when we sin? Does God really not hear sinners? If not, how would they ever repent? Did Yeshua heal sinners? Can we come to God when we’ve failed to “measure up”? We hope this message gives you a lot to think about as we grow in our relationship with our Father and Savior.
Sat, Jun 21, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
Most people would probably admit they think of Yeshua (Jesus) as the loving, kind, gentle part of the Godhead but that God the Father seems distant, harsh or unknowable. Learn the truth about Almighty God in the Highest who is also our dear heavenly Daddy – or Abba in Hebrew. Many of us had very imperfect human fathers and that may be affecting how we think of “God the Father”. Our prayer is that this sermon will help you begin to have great joy in Abba’s presence and begin to feel his love for you. God is love. He can’t stop being what He is. We love him because He first loved us. And perfect love casts out fear. Praise be to our Abba.
Sat, Jun 07, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 38 secs
Your eternity could rest on learning this topic well. It is more blessed to give than receive, but we’re also called to actively take hold of what our Father is sending us. Our Father is the greatest giver of all, but if we don’t learn to receive Him and His gifts, including the gift of His Son, the gift of the Holy Spirit and the dozens of other gifts he showers on us, we’re blocking His generosity and possibly even insulting Him. (Note: the last 3 minutes were cut off when my battery on the mic died. So please check the notes for the final page of what was cut off.) What are some of God’s “gifts” he wants us to receive? Why do some of us refuse to receive? How do we learn to become better at receiving the things from God?
Wed, Mar 05, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs
This sermon will change your life and the number of dramatically answered prayers you receive - if you practice the keys revealed from scripture in this message. Learn the lesson of the 10 lepers, the fig tree, the key from the resurrection of Lazarus, what David said to Goliath, and so much more.
Wed, Feb 05, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 56 secs
Yeshua is coming as "King of kings" but it's going to be a new order of governance. Only with this vital quality will we be chosen as leaders in the world to come. Learn how Yeshua serves and how He wants to continue serving through you. Learn why there are 4 gospels. What are the hallmarks of balanced service? Are YOU building the track record of a servant? Who's the greatest servant in your household?
Sun, Jan 05, 2014
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 48 secs
This brand new message is one of my most important ones I've ever done. After hearing it, you will feel profound joy and want to shout out praises to our High Priest and King for what He is doing. We go through key understandings from Hebrews and Exodus 28, the Priest chapter - but combine it with New Covenant understanding to bring glory to Yeshua, our High Priest. We also delve deeply into the profound concepts of being "in Him", which make the New Covenant possible. I highly recommend this study.
Sun, Dec 15, 2013
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 6 secs
When our beloved pet dies, will we ever see it again? Is it up in heaven, as some now believe? What is mankind? What is an animal? WHY does all this even matter? It matters a lot. Are animals and humans the same in God's eyes? And what's the place and future for man and animals in scripture? Are there animals in heaven? Does God care about animals? All this and much more...
Thu, Dec 05, 2013
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 41 secs
It's Christmas season again. Most of you who come to this site realize Christmas has very pagan roots, long before Christ was born. But is it OK with God for us to observe Christmas with its pagan roots, as long as we do it unto Christ, and in our hearts know we're worshiping HIM, and not the pagan gods? Does it matter, in that case? What does YHVH say about that? What did Paul and Yeshua teach about that? And how should we deal with all the issues that come up in this season - the issue of gift giving, Christmas parties and so on.
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