
Latest sermons by
Sat, Mar 10, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 10 secs
People love to quote Gal. 2:20, but do we know what we're committing to when we are "crucified with Christ"? For that matter, why did Jesus have to die by crucifixion? What is it we're crucifying? This is not an easy topic to accept and practice, but a huge key to Christian living.
Sat, Feb 10, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 21 mins 7 secs
Is the righteousness of God by faith alone - or does God call us to live and practice His righteousness every day? If so, how? If we have to practice it, how can it also be imputed to us? Hear scripture's answers of how we let Jesus live in us - and experience the resulting peace and joy.
Wed, Jan 10, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 52 secs
We continue from Philippians 3:9 and examine "the righteousness of God by faith". This alone is saving righteousness, for without holiness we shall not see God. Learn about "imputed" righteousness and the "GIFT of righteousness". Also, HOW we receive God's righteousness.
Sun, Jan 07, 2007
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins 53 secs
We know we must be righteous, but we must be sure we understand what it is, how we get it, and how the Bible describes 2 kinds of righteousness: our own from the law, and the righteousness of God by faith. Without the right kind of saving righteousness, we will not be in the kingdom! Topics: importance of the Law in defining righteousness and its place in our ultimate righteousness. Can obeying the law justify, save us, or make us righteous to inherit God's kingdom?
Sun, Dec 17, 2006
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins 45 secs
"Religion". Many now distance themselves from religion because its given itself a bad name. But GOD says there is a true, right and pure religion that He describes and defines. It's different from what we often see practiced. Is your religion useful and pure? Why not find out?
Thu, Dec 07, 2006
Duration: 1 hr 13 mins 47 secs
Peter was told to "launch into the deep" - Luke 5:4. Do we hear King Jesus asking each of us to also launch in His deep? What is "the deep" for you? What does it hold? Where can it take you?
Tue, Nov 07, 2006
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins 8 secs
If you're in a "prayer slump" lately, this sermon can be a solid "pick-me-up" for you. Here we focus on scriptures that tell us clearly what to pray about. Then we take it up a notch and examine the depth of Paul's prayers and see what we can learn from his model.
Wed, Oct 25, 2006
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 9 secs
We long for the Millennial reign of our King. What will it be like? What will our resurrection bodies be like - physical or spirit? Hear who could be the leaders over the new world empire. We discuss technology - or not - in the new world. Finally, why is Satan released at the end of the Millennium and why millions listen to his deception? And then what?
Tue, Oct 17, 2006
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins 12 secs
Part 1 of a 2-part message on what King Jesus' reign during the Millennium will be like. What lies ahead for you and me is far more exciting than traditional heaven is depicted. We cover: the biggest change of all to make the Millennium a reality. What kind of planet we inherit. Will we live in cities? Who the main servant leaders will be. How the world will respond to Jesus' rule.
Sun, Sep 17, 2006
Duration: 1 hr 14 mins 58 secs
This sermon continues where the last one left off: events leading to the return of King Jesus. The possible timetable after the 7th trumpet is blown. The 7 Last Plagues - in one day, or over months? When is the Marriage of the Lamb? Where will it be? Who performs the wedding? Will the world welcome Jesus' return? We explore prophecies about the coming captivity of end-time Israelites, including Americans, Britons, Canadians, Aussies, and Jews - and the good ending to that story.
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