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Mon, Oct 10, 2011
Series: Hebrew Roots
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs
Names are important. The living God's personal name is important as well, according to Him in His own word. All we ask is that you hear Parts 1-2 to the end, and then decide what you believe on this issue. Is there a restoration work of an end-time Elijah? What one name did our fathers most often use when addressing their Creator in prayer? Read and hear their recorded prayers. Is "God" His name, or what He is? A close look at the 3rd commandment. Shouldn't we just call him "Father"? Is that His name? More on the question of is Yahweh just the Father - or Father and Son? See the prophecies of Gentiles and all the world worshiping His name soon. Hallelu Yah!
Sun, Oct 02, 2011
Series: Hebrew Roots
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 35 secs
Satan has deceived the whole world, so is it possible he's also deceived us on the Creator's name? Does God's name even matter? Does God even have a personal name, or does He have so many names you can take your pick from many to choose from? This sermon will challenge you, regardless of the side you start on. I just pray you will hear it to the end. Do we translate God's name and use that? Have we changed His word against His clear command not to?
Fri, Sep 02, 2011
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 39 secs
Without being a partaker of God's own holiness we won't see God (Heb. 12:10, 14). There are many misconceptions about holiness. What does "holy" mean? Why is it important? Whose holiness counts? How does one become holy? Were there more than one messiah? Can someone unconverted be holy? Is God still filling His temple on earth with His glory? What's the meaning of the two kingdoms at war in Rebekah and what that means for us? Why Samson lost his strength when he broke one Nazirite vow but not when he broke the other Nazirite vows. Guarding and cherishing the holiness we've been given is the focus of the last third of the sermon.
Sat, Jul 02, 2011
Duration: 1 hr 9 mins 28 secs
Though Jesus himself said "the poor you have with you always", the Eternal God has a plan that if followed, would result - in his own words - with nobody being poor. Listen to Father's loving words on how He views the poor. We also discuss "third tithe" briefly. Father provides clear opportunities for us to help the needy. How would you like to lend to God? Hear what He promises, when we help poor folks. This is not a "redistribution of wealth" sermon imposed by big government - but a sermon about what God in heaven says He will do for us if we follow His directions, especially when it comes to poor people.
Mon, May 02, 2011
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs
There's a fantastic meaning to the last day of Unleavened B read. It has everything to do with spiritual victory ending in the righteousness of God and being created in the image of God. But as usual, there are many more poignant meanings for this day. We cover a lot, including putting out our Ishmael human efforts to produce God's work vs. faith/Isaac work of God. Eve/Adam and the spiritual bride of Christ. A lot is covered in a short time, so print a transcript first and listen to the message with a transcript.
Tue, Apr 19, 2011
Duration: 1 hr 15 mins 52 secs
(From March, 2009) By sundown of Passover day we may have our homes deleavened - but could we have missed the most important leavening still in our homes? Could we be entering the Feast of Unleavened Bread full of leavening? This is a timely and important topic about the most important deleavening we can do before the Passover.
Sun, Apr 17, 2011
Duration: 1 hr 13 mins 52 secs
(From March, 2009) One of my favorite heart-felt messages, delivered to a live audience in CA in 1989 but as current as ever. Use this as part of a pre-baptism or pre-Passover examination of how far we have truly overcome or changed since God called us. We explain how we do what we do because of what we are. We have to acknowledge what we are, repent and have God give us His new nature before real and permanent change occurs. Why does this make any difference? Repentance will take on a much more personal and much deeper meaning after this message.
Sun, Apr 10, 2011
Duration: 1 hr 6 mins 42 secs
(From March, 2009) A helpful message for anyone contemplating baptism or wishing to review and recommit before Passover. Baptism is so much more than a ritual we go through. Why do we immerse people? How many types of baptisms are there? Also: "baptism of fire" and how that differs from the baptism of the Holy Spirit, overview of repentance, counting the cost, the Jewish mikvahs, who should baptize, and into what name are we baptized and much more.
Sat, Mar 05, 2011
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 46 secs
We examine many scriptures showing God regards sins of knowledge (knowing what we're doing is wrong) far more seriously than sins of ignorance, or unintentional sins. A good Pre-Passover examination. We discuss: how often in fact we sin with full knowledge of what we're doing; how to put the real leaven of sin out of our lives. Really overcoming sin, really changing. "Casual sin", sins done in defiance. We hope Passover means more after this message.
Sat, Feb 05, 2011
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 50 secs
You may realize that the Holy Spirit is called a "parakletos" four times in scripture. Plus, Jesus is called our "Advocate" in 1 John 2:1, which is also from the word "parakletos." But how about you and me? Be motivated, inspired and moved as you hear how we are also called to be a parakletos, if we are part of the body of Christ.
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