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Sat, May 05, 2012
Duration: 1 hr 9 mins 45 secs
The Feast of Pentecost/Shavuot is one of the divine appointments with Yahweh (Lev. 23:1-2). So much happened on this day. This teaching goes into many of the important aspects of this amazing feast day. Enjoy the message as you dig into the depths of this wonderful day. (Note: the first 6 minutes of the audio was not recorded properly, so it starts about 1-1/2 pages into the transcript.)
Mon, Mar 05, 2012
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 10 secs
Revelation 12 speaks of a place to which the Woman flees in the Wilderness. Is there a "Place of Safety" for Yahweh's children in the coming time of worst trouble the world will have ever seen? What has the Eternal done in the past and what does He say He'll do in the future to protect His family? Where could this "place" be? Does having a Place of Safety guarantee none of God's children will suffer severe persecution and martyrdom before the final years prior to Christ's return? Who will be in a Place of Safety?
Sun, Feb 05, 2012
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 24 secs
If the last message didn't persuade you, please hear this one. The Church says the world needs to repent. True. But how many times have we actually asked Yahweh to bring our nation to repentance and to be merciful to the church and nation? Many who came before us did, so why aren't we? Was Nineveh a "one off"? Why is there an "us vs. them" mentality? What will the end time Elijah's message be? Yahweh seeks someone praying "on behalf of the land". Will you? Can your country still come to repentance? Will you stand in the gap and pray?
Thu, Jan 05, 2012
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 28 secs
Preparing the last message - on being a Jonah or a Matthew - helped start this sermon. Philip gives clear signs if you're a Jonah or not. The books of Revelation, Daniel and the prophets have all been written. The time of great wrath is nearly here. Is it too late for our nation to repent? It's time we pray for that. I'll show you it's not too late for that. But where we start in our prayer is also all-important
Fri, Dec 16, 2011
Series: Hebrew Roots
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 22 secs
Many sermons have been preached showing how our Savior is revealed to us in so many ways. He's sometimes "the Angel of Yahweh" ("of the LORD"). We can find Him depicted by the animal sacrifices, the Lamb, the temple and tabernacle furniture and so much more. In this message, I hope you'll delight to "find" our Yeshua in so many expressions we may just be reading right over. Enjoy, as we go looking for our Beloved Master and King as we come to know and recognize Him more and more in so many scriptures.
Mon, Dec 05, 2011
Duration: 49 mins 28 secs
We usually just say "God" or "Christ" or "Jesus" when speaking about the Creator or Savior. This sermon explains the importance of having a closer identification with our God and Savior. People who don't know Yahweh often say "Oh my G--" when making an exclamation, breaking the 3rd commandment. But we of His people should be speaking of our Father and our God as "OUR" God and "OUR" - or MY - Father, my God, my Savior. The prophets and apostles did. Yeshua did. Making this one little change in the way you speak of Him will affect your relationship more than you might realize right now. This teaching explains why.
Sat, Oct 15, 2011
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 22 secs
Our Messiah, Jesus the Christ (or Yeshua, as I prefer), cried out at the end of the Water Libation ceremony on the last day of the Feast. Which day was always called "the Great Day" and still is? In context, what was the meaning of His words? Who was it pointing to? Why were 70 bulls sacrificed? Why were the priests led by a flutist called "the Pierced One"? Learn how their Salvation (Yeshua) was "hiding in plain sight". John 7:37-39 is explained in context. Hear what is usually missed about this day and message.
Mon, Oct 10, 2011
Series: Hebrew Roots
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs
Names are important. The living God's personal name is important as well, according to Him in His own word. All we ask is that you hear Parts 1-2 to the end, and then decide what you believe on this issue. Is there a restoration work of an end-time Elijah? What one name did our fathers most often use when addressing their Creator in prayer? Read and hear their recorded prayers. Is "God" His name, or what He is? A close look at the 3rd commandment. Shouldn't we just call him "Father"? Is that His name? More on the question of is Yahweh just the Father - or Father and Son? See the prophecies of Gentiles and all the world worshiping His name soon. Hallelu Yah!
Sun, Oct 02, 2011
Series: Hebrew Roots
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 35 secs
Satan has deceived the whole world, so is it possible he's also deceived us on the Creator's name? Does God's name even matter? Does God even have a personal name, or does He have so many names you can take your pick from many to choose from? This sermon will challenge you, regardless of the side you start on. I just pray you will hear it to the end. Do we translate God's name and use that? Have we changed His word against His clear command not to?
Fri, Sep 02, 2011
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 39 secs
Without being a partaker of God's own holiness we won't see God (Heb. 12:10, 14). There are many misconceptions about holiness. What does "holy" mean? Why is it important? Whose holiness counts? How does one become holy? Were there more than one messiah? Can someone unconverted be holy? Is God still filling His temple on earth with His glory? What's the meaning of the two kingdoms at war in Rebekah and what that means for us? Why Samson lost his strength when he broke one Nazirite vow but not when he broke the other Nazirite vows. Guarding and cherishing the holiness we've been given is the focus of the last third of the sermon.
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