
Latest sermons by
Mon, Jun 15, 2009
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 58 secs
Is the gift of tongues a dead gift - or one we will yet see in great use as doors open for preaching the gospel around the world? What are signs of genuine speaking in tongues vs the counterfeits? Are the Pentecostal and charismatic tongues movement the real thing - or not? We'll review examples in the Old Testament. How would you know you have received God's Holy Spirit? The answer may surprise you. How does speaking in tongues rank among God's gifts? What rules did the Eternal God lay down for when genuinely speaking in other languages? You'll learn this and more as we dive into this vital topic.
Fri, Jun 05, 2009
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 26 secs
Scores of millions claim to "speak in tongues". This will not be a traditional explanation for or against speaking in tongues. I compare what scripture says on the subject with the teachings of both camps - those for and those against, speaking in tongues. We'll examine meaning of "tongue", types of tongues described in the Bible, and issues relevant to both sides of the issue. What are "tongues of angels"? Is there a language of prayer? What languages or tongues are being described? In this part 1, you'll be left with much to ponder on this fascinating topic.
Fri, May 15, 2009
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 32 secs
We'll cover a lot: The active, daily counting of the Omer up to Pentecost. "Feasts" or Divine Appointments? Many examples to illustrate God's holydays are "dress rehearsals" of important future events. Events leading to Pentecost. Sheaf or container of flour? The first Pentecost and wedding supper with the Eternal God in the Old Testament. Important details about the Feast of Weeks. You will probably see Pentecost in new light after this sermon.
Tue, May 05, 2009
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 43 secs
Are preparations underway behind the scenes for a 3rd Temple to be built in Jerusalem? You'll be amazed as I share insights and first hand reports from our recent trip to Israel. I discuss why it won't be easy even just to resume sacrifices without a temple. What we cover in this fast paced sermon will amaze you.
Sun, Mar 15, 2009
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 15 secs
We examine keeping Passover "in a worthy manner". We must face and overcome sin. We look at "sins of ignorance" versus intentional or defiant sins. Scripture has strong warnings especially about sin not done in ignorance. Recognizing the Body, lest we take Passover unworthily and bring condemnation on ourselves. Take the Passover after careful examination, fully prepared and in a worthy manner.
Thu, Mar 05, 2009
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 53 secs
The real answer to the question of "who, to you, is the 'least of these My brethren'", will stagger you when you understand it in its fullness. How we respond to this knowledge will affect tremendously what our Master says to each of us when we meet face to face. It will also affect our eternity. There's also the reminder of how this topic figures in to the Passover foot-washing.
Sun, Feb 15, 2009
Series: Prayer
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 23 secs
Concluding sermon on how to hear God speaking to you. Does Yahweh speak to us directly, or does He require we receive His messages only through ordained ministers, prophets and priests? Learn the kind of "body Language" the Eternal uses. Can God be speaking to us through "little ones", or through "acts of God" and through His creation? Will God continue to use angels to send His messages? This sermon series could help us all improve our spiritual hearing.
Tue, Feb 10, 2009
Series: Prayer
Duration: 1 hr 11 mins 22 secs
Yahweh, the living and true God, regularly speaks to each of His children. He has not gone silent. If we're not hearing His voice, we're the ones at fault. This sermon explains how we miss hearing God's voice. We mention specific methods the Eternal uses to communicate with His family once we have the gift of the Spirit. This 3 part sermon shows how to sharpen our spiritual hearing by recognizing the ways and means God uses to communicate to us.
Sat, Jan 10, 2009
Series: Prayer
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 30 secs
Does Almighty God still speak directly to all His children - or to just a select few? Do you ever hear God speaking directly to you? This 2-part sermon defines what "hearing God" means, why it's so important that we learn to hear His voice and then how to hone our spiritual hearing so we miss less and less. Using these concepts can change your life.
Wed, Dec 10, 2008
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 47 secs
The recent global economic melt-down and historic win of Sen. Barack Obama as our next president, combined with growing crises in the Middle East and ongoing Islamic extremism, have all combined to cause renewed interest in end time prophecy. Are we within a few years of the return of the Christ? What should we be focused on? Today's sermon discusses recent world events in light of prophecy and discusses our priorities in these last days.
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