Donate to the Light

Thank you for your contributions and/or tithes and offerings. We appreciate your help very much. They allow us keep producing new sermons and blogs for Light on the Rock, and to sometimes buy ads to let more of the world know about the true gospel of Christ and the Kingdom of God; God’s message of His grace and righteousness and His salvation for us. 

So your contributions help us pay costs of keeping Light on the Rock online. This includes cost of research materials, of maintaining this website, of buying and maintaining audio-video recording equipment and supplies, and other costs associated with producing and disseminating God’s message out to any whom our God is calling.

We also help pastors in poor areas like East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi) to be able to teach the good news and God’s word to their congregations – now totaling many hundreds. These truly are the very poor “least of these my brethren” that Jesus spoke of. Your donations help buy Bibles so our poor brethren can have their own copy of God’s word in their own language. It also pays for our pastors to be able to travel to teach around east Africa. Donations and tithes also pay for equipment as needed, such as PA system, photo copiers, smart phones for the leaders, chairs or emergency medical support when required. 

We are a non-profit organization but do not have a 501(c)(3) status so your highly appreciated contributions will not be considered federally tax-deductible contributions in the USA.

The reason we decided not to go the 501(c)(3) route is because under current law, pastors are forbidden to speak out about governmental decisions and politics. So we choose to be able to speak freely on any subject based on God’s word and His law without the government telling us what we can and cannot say. So thank you again for your highly appreciated donations.

Thank you for your contribution!


Thank you for your contribution!