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Sun, Jun 16, 2024
Duration: 1 hr 20 mins 36 secs
Most think of Pentecost exclusively in terms of the Holy Spirit and giving of the law. But there’s so much more! SO much more occurred and likely will yet occur in the future on Pentecost or Shavuot, Feast of Weeks. Find out how big a role FIRSTFRUITS play in Pentecost and in the first resurrection. Who alone will be in the first resurrection? What happens after the last trump and resurrection? What will those in that resurrection be doing next? Where will the marriage supper of the Lamb take place? What do all these things have to do with Pentecost? You’ll be excited to find out.
Fri, Apr 12, 2024
Duration: 1 hr 21 mins 1 sec
Who did Jesus mean by referring to the “Least of his brethren”? It’s crucial to our destiny to understand it. Would we be—if Christ was judging right now-- a sheep or a goat of Matthew 25? This teaching is un update with many real-life photos to make the point and introduce you to wonderful spirit-filled brethren in East Africa. Learn how you can actually help and give to Jesus himself, according to HIM. This teaching is deeper than you imagine, and if fully understood, will transform your life and amaze many of you.
Fri, Mar 15, 2024
Duration: 1 hr 28 mins 3 secs
WHY are we not seeing more healings than we do? It seems almost everyone needs some form of healing! Some of these keys in this teaching might be brand new to many of you, but I believe if seriously followed, could result in more healings. If you have a long-lasting infirmity, can you still glorify God in that illness? I’ll show you how. And how much POWER did Jesus say we have access to? Are we using it or is that power sitting dormant? How long should we keep praying for healing of a particular ailment? Is there any connection between healing and salvation? Can there be spirits of infirmity involved in some who are very ill? Study and share this crucial teaching.
Fri, Jan 19, 2024
Duration: 1 hr 6 mins 56 secs
This teaching is about the main reason we’re not seeing a lot of healings today: unbelief. Doubting and worrying. Wondering about healing. We explore the many ways this deadly plague of unbelief enters our spiritual life – in ways many don’t even recognize as unbelief. It must be rooted out and overcome for us to start experiencing more of God’s healings again.
Fri, Jan 05, 2024
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 12 secs
People often say God is not healing dramatically like He did before. Is that true? Or they give reasons why we are not to expect the promises to ask for prayer and then “the prayer of faith SHALL heal the sick…” (James 5:14-15). Though it’s true we’re NOT seeing a lot of big healings, are we to believe dramatic healings have to be a thing of the past? I know God still heals. This teaching presents cases of dramatic healings I’ve experienced and been involved in, in the present era, to God’s glory totally. God is not the problem. This will be the first of several sermons on healing, faith, unbelief and more.
Sat, Dec 16, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 35 secs
Could you discuss Yeshua/Jesus using just the Old Testament scriptures? Jesus did. Early apostles did. We should SEE Jesus throughout the Old Testament. The gospel was preached from Adam onwards, to Abraham, Israel and the prophets. Learn how the Christ/Messiah is the CORE of the complete true gospel, as He is the Way into the Kingdom of God. Also check my recent blog on Messiah and sermon on the Forbidden Chapter Isa 53 and Psalm 22.
Fri, Nov 24, 2023
Duration: 39 mins 58 secs
In Israel and in Jewish synagogues each sabbath, a portion of the first five books of the Bible – the Torah -- is read. Then they read from the Haftorah – selected scriptures from the Prophets in their Tanakh, the Hebrew scriptures, which Christians commonly call the Old Testament. But one chapter in Isaiah is never read, though it’s definitely a prophetic book. It’s STRIKING that there’s one chapter in particular which has been forbidden to ever be read in the synagogues. We’ll read that chapter today.
Mon, Oct 02, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 5 secs
What does the day after the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles, called the 8th day, mean? WHY is it called 8th day? What happens to everyone who never even had a chance of knowing the Christ and then died? Are there people up in heaven – or hell – right now? What makes this 8th day so special? Find out when Heaven comes to earth and what that will be like. Find out why the first resurrection is the better resurrection. Are people resurrected to spirit bodies or flesh and blood bodies – or does it depend on which resurrection? Find out and praise God.
Thu, Sep 28, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 59 secs
DO you realize how much our wonderful Father and Savior want to dwell with their people, with humans, as pictured by the Millennium and then the new heavens and earth? Do you realize how deeply this goes? The depth of His desire will amaze and humble you. Discover your vital role in letting God and Christ dwell in you and you in them.
Tue, Sep 19, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 49 secs
This is a repost of 2021 sermon, when Atonement was also in September. Otherwise, all the information is timeless. Can even a day of Fasting, Sept 25 in 2023, be a positively joyous day? What is the Day of Atonement all about? Is it a day of covering (Yom Kippur) or coverings, plural? Is it really about punishment, God’s wrath, God’s judgment – as so many believe? And is this day really largely about Satan as the azazel goat, and having him be put away with sins placed on him? Or can Satan have ANY part in this precious holy atoning day? Shouldn’t our emphasis be on the goat that was killed for atonement -- as well as the goat of departure (azazel) and all that those two goats tell us about God’s plan for the future? Who was allowed to work, and worked hard, on this Day? What does Kippur or Kippurim mean? May the true meaning of this day fill your heart with joy.
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