
Hebrew Roots

Hebrew Roots

Oct 2011 - Dec 2011
Sermons in this series
Fri, Dec 16, 2011
Series: Hebrew Roots
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 22 secs
Many sermons have been preached showing how our Savior is revealed to us in so many ways. He's sometimes "the Angel of Yahweh" ("of the LORD"). We can find Him depicted by the animal sacrifices, the Lamb, the temple and tabernacle furniture and so much more. In this message, I hope you'll delight to "find" our Yeshua in so many expressions we may just be reading right over. Enjoy, as we go looking for our Beloved Master and King as we come to know and recognize Him more and more in so many scriptures.
Mon, Oct 10, 2011
Series: Hebrew Roots
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs
Names are important. The living God's personal name is important as well, according to Him in His own word. All we ask is that you hear Parts 1-2 to the end, and then decide what you believe on this issue. Is there a restoration work of an end-time Elijah? What one name did our fathers most often use when addressing their Creator in prayer? Read and hear their recorded prayers. Is "God" His name, or what He is? A close look at the 3rd commandment. Shouldn't we just call him "Father"? Is that His name? More on the question of is Yahweh just the Father - or Father and Son? See the prophecies of Gentiles and all the world worshiping His name soon. Hallelu Yah!
Sun, Oct 02, 2011
Series: Hebrew Roots
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 35 secs
Satan has deceived the whole world, so is it possible he's also deceived us on the Creator's name? Does God's name even matter? Does God even have a personal name, or does He have so many names you can take your pick from many to choose from? This sermon will challenge you, regardless of the side you start on. I just pray you will hear it to the end. Do we translate God's name and use that? Have we changed His word against His clear command not to?
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