Fri, May 27, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 17 secs
Would you – and others – describe yourself as a person of great faith and peace? Have you learned what is God’s #1 end-goal reason for making so many go through prolonged pain, trials and testing? Find out in this message. Everything spiritual is by faith. Our salvation is by grace through faith. We are to live by faith, all the time. With the coming times of worst trouble the world has ever seen, our faith needs to be tested, refined and ready for the return of Christ
Sat, Apr 16, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 27 secs
What is the most important and critical time and place you have each day? Do you treat it as being so vital by giving it significant time and attention each day? This message may help you pray more. Do you have a regular private place of prayer? Does the evidence show God’s children are not praying enough?
Thu, Mar 31, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 15 mins 2 secs
Luke 17:1-5 Seven times.
What would you say is a central lesson of the Passover that we are to APPLY in our lives? What made the disciples exclaim “Lord, increase our faith” when they heard what Yeshua/Jesus said? You may think you’re good at this lesson – but you may find out there’s still room for lots of growth after hearing what God says in His word.
Fri, Mar 04, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 3 secs
A “sermon” with few words!
Some sermons are simply mind-gripping great! But there’s a better “sermon” you are a part of that has little to do with the sermons preached from behind a pulpit. And yes, you and I are “preaching” these sermons every day. Are yours great sermons, or ones you’d rather do over? In this teaching, I talk about our most effective way to confess Christ – and preach a great sermon while we’re at it. But it’s a “sermon” with few words.
Sat, Feb 20, 2016
Duration: 58 mins 32 secs
Many claim to be followers of Christ but neighbors and work associates have no inkling you believe so strongly in Christ. Is openly confessing Christ an option? See how important this is according to Yeshua/Jesus himself. See and hear the examples of those who have gone before. And are we ready for the times of intense persecution coming in the years ahead that will hit all of us who do confess the Christ? But what happens if we don't confess him? You’ll want to find out.
Sat, Jan 30, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 10 secs
2 Corinthians 5:17 says we are “a NEW creation”. But sometimes the evidence seems to say we’re just the same old person with little real change. What is a new creation? Who and what makes us new? How does it happen? Do we have a part in the process? And why do we so often fail to see the newness we’re supposed to be? Are we a new creation now – or do we have to wait for the resurrection for that? We hope you’ll find this motivating and encouraging.
Tue, Dec 29, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 19 secs
With everything good and bad that can be said about organized Christianity – do you want to be called a “Christian”? Several have said they prefer other labels so that they’re not lumped in with Christians who don’t keep the sabbath or who keep pagan holidays, etc., not to mention the sometimes violent and sordid historical record of traditional Christianity. So in this teaching we examine both sides of this discussion. What did the early followers of Christ call themselves? What did Paul and Peter have to say about being called a “Christian”? And what IS a true Christian or true follower of Christ? Wherever you are on this subject, I hope you will hear and study this vital message. It WILL make you think. I’d love your feedback.
Sat, Dec 19, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 15 mins 6 secs
Or can we trash those in authority -- on social media? We’re coming into very dangerous times in the last days of this age. Those in leadership positions in the very last days are prophesied to do unspeakable things to God’s children especially. Do we have to respect leaders no matter what? What about the president, our governor, congressmen, the police, teachers, bosses and others in authority? Are we allowed by scripture to be rude to them or say disrespectful things on Facebook about them? What if they’re acting like criminally or dishonorably? What if we’re being wrongfully sued or attacked – what recourse do we have as Christians or believers? Do those in authority first have to EARN our respect before God requires us to give them honor and respect? What does God’s word say about all this?
Sat, Nov 21, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
1 John 4:17b (HOW we live by the faith of Yeshua)
Last time we covered that we must not just live by our own faith, but by our Savior’s faith, HIS faith. How do we do that? How do we look to HIM as the Author and finisher of our faith? This sermon goes into HOW to live by His faith. What’s the KEY understanding we need in order to harness his faith? What does it mean to be “in him” and how does that help us live by and through HIS faith? Also: how focusing on our sins and weaknesses just makes them worse, and on what/whom we should be focusing instead to be victorious over self and sin.
Fri, Oct 30, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
We all know that faith is important and I know we all try to live by faith. But don’t we often feel something is missing? Don’t you sometimes feel your faith is not as powerful as you think it should be? This sermon covers what faith is, WHY we must have the right faith, whose faith we must have and why, and how to grow in this powerful faith. Our focus here is also on the fact that LIVING by faith is not just for the tough times of our lives – but 24/7, all the time. We also cover how to deal with those times when we don’t get the answers we were praying and hoping for. May you be blessed by this message.