Sat, Sep 05, 2015
Duration: 39 mins 31 secs
Our God’s politeness.
Does Almighty God have to ever say “please”? Does he ever say “please” when speaking with mortals? This message will focus on a side of our God that you may not have heard much about – when even God says please. Yes, it’s in your Bible, though unfortunately camouflaged by most Bibles translated into English.
Tue, Aug 18, 2015
We’ve started the 6th month of the Hebrew calendar called “Elul” – roughly mid-August to mid September on our western calendar this year 2015. It’s ripe with meaning. This sermon was first given in 2013. Though the dates are slightly different for this year 2015 than when I gave the sermon in 2013, the points remain the same. After Elul is the month of Tishri (or Tishrei), the Hebrew 7th month, in which all the final 4 holydays of Yahweh appear. But let’s first focus on the month we’re in now and it’s meanings. What happened in this vital month? What does it tell us prophetically? This short 43 minute message will help you be properly prepared for the Fall festivals – the Divine appointments -- coming up.
Sat, Aug 15, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 10 mins 26 secs
Does it matter? When does human life begin?
With the news of what Planned Parenthood is doing, and sonogram evidence now of human life active in the womb at earlier and earlier stages – it’s time to visit this topic. We believers must know what God’s word says on this. We must not remain silent. This message covers topics like “celebrities” who were almost aborted, what God says about the value of unborn babies, will aborted fetuses/babies have a future with God?, and what if YOU have had an abortion? All this and more. Spread the word about this message.
Sat, Aug 08, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 13 mins 22 secs
(Originally given 11/2010; re-posted 8/2015)
How do you view immigrants – whether they are here legally or illegally? How should you view them? America is a magnet for immigrants. Over 1 million legal immigrants are accepted into the USA each year. On top of that are millions more “undocumented workers or aliens” who cross our open borders each year. A couple Presidential candidates are making this a big issue. With all that going on, we felt this was a topic that deserves to be reposted on our site. What does God’s word say about borders, border guards, deportation, affirmative action and more? Does God favor the Jews? What color is God? How should we interact with people from other countries who speak other languages?
Sat, Jul 18, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
We love it when Yahweh gives us powerful and swift answers when we pray. We love it when things go smoothly. But what about those times when we pray and pray – and the pain gets worse, the healing doesn’t happen, loved ones suffer painful death, or times when we have disasters in our lives and our Father seems distant and uninvolved? It’s tempting to wonder why Yahweh doesn’t do more, when he has all power to do anything! Why doesn’t he intervene more? Why does he let his own children (true believers) go through long periods without apparently intervening? This message is about such times – when we feel let down by the Almighty. And yes, many prophets had these same thoughts. The notes will come shortly, but enjoy the audio. We also show how prophets and apostles worked through these difficult times of disappointment. May this message bless you and help you work through tough times in your life.
Sat, Jun 20, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
What is our Father’s will for us? How do we discover what it is? Does our Father really reveal his specific will for each of us? Is He really that involved in our lives? How are we sure that we’re doing His will? How important is it that we be doing HIS will and not our will? This is a very, very important sermon and I hope each of you will get a lot out of it.
Sun, May 24, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 32 secs
God loves to give gifts and He gives many. Pentecost is the anniversary of the giving of the Holy Spirit as God’s gift. It’s easy to ignore gifts or not use them. This gift is so precious and powerful, we must be certain we have received it and are using it to the full. Are you confident you have received God’s Holy Spirit? How would you know? Do you value and cherish it? Would you like to have more of it? Is it growing inside you? Is it a rushing river of life – or a stagnant pond? We’ll cover all that plus an overview of the Day of Pentecost. You’ll better appreciate and value the gift of God’s Holy Spirit with this sermon.
Sat, Mar 14, 2015
As we come to Passover, it is appropriate we examine why Christ had to die by the intensely painful death of being crucified for our sins and why Paul says HE was crucified with Christ. (This is a mostly new sermon, though I’ve spoken on this topic many years ago.) God’s plan of redemption begins with crucifixion. So Passover and the crucifixion go hand in hand. Yeshua tells his followers they must take up their cross daily and follow him. Are YOU crucified with Christ? What does that mean? This has everything to do with being “in Christ”.
Sat, Feb 07, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
One of the main reasons people divide and separate is over doctrinal differences. This teaching goes into: what is doctrine? Where does true doctrine come from? How does scripture say we should handle doctrinal disagreements? Which doctrines are crucial to salvation and which ones are not – or are all doctrines crucial? How did Yeshua and Paul handle doctrinal disputes? What’s the balance? I hope this teaching will speak to each one’s heart.
Sat, Jan 24, 2015
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs
Part 2. Please listen to Part 1 first. Yeshua (Jesus) promised to build his one church (ekklesia) and it would survive the ages (Matthew 16:18). So where is it? Are all Christians automatically a part of that body? Is it a particular group you can go worship with? WHAT is the true church? WHERE are all its people? Is it any one organization led by a man or woman someplace? Can we meet with others if our doctrines don’t fit 100% with each other? Can a group be part of the true church – but be having some real spiritual problems? WHO does God refer to as “My people”? You might be surprised. Should God’s children become friends with people of the world? Find out! All this and more.