
Church / Ekklesia / One Body

Church / Ekklesia / One Body

Nov 2009 - Feb 2010
Sermons in this series
Mon, Feb 15, 2010
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 35 secs
One Flock is on the way. Today: Yahweh reveals how each of us is either helping or hurting His desire for us to be one body. Steps each of us can take to encourage oneness through His Spirit. Ezekiel 34 and what God says to ministers and brethren alike, and the role each of us plays in oneness or division. I reveal whom God will use to bring us together finally as one family, one body and one flock.
Fri, Feb 05, 2010
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 20 secs
Is it God's will that His Church be divided and splintered? Who is really behind the schisms? Who caused the splintering? What condition is the Body of Christ in right now? How will the Body end up as one Bride - and how will Christ do it? Can we ever be one family working together in this era? What first step can each of us start doing to promote healing and oneness of the Body? Christ will marry only one Bride - who is one.
Tue, Jan 05, 2010
It's time. This is an urgent message to help the Bride be ONE Bride. It's time for God's children to cross organizational church lines and talk to one another. It's time for the Bride to be ready, as One wife, one body, one Flock. Learn how our Chief Shepherd looks for His lost and forsaken sheep - and how members of His Body are doing the same thing, right now. We explore John 9, John 10 and Jer. 23. We also cover how far to follow a human leader who was called by God. This message will also help you appreciate your brothers and sisters "over there" far more. Learn what to do to promote this oneness in the Body.
Sat, Dec 05, 2009
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 6 secs
Whatever happened to the concept that the Body of Christ is One? Today: Why the Fast of Dec 19. What Scripture says the Body is, and how one becomes a member of that Body. How and when might true oneness come? Can we, should we, go back to one organization, under one "umbrella"? Steps we can take to start encouraging "oneness" in the Body. Whom we belong to, whom we follow. Handling heresy or even doctrinal disagreements while remaining one Body.
Thu, Nov 05, 2009
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 16 secs
Is the Body of Christ living like the One Body that scripture describes? If not, why is that happening? Were we one at the Feast of Tabernacles? What happened to the unity we had in the 1960's? Was even that a true picture of the oneness we are to have? What can we do to beseech God to help us become more one with Him and with His body, the church? Is being perfectly One Body God's will?
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