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Sat, Feb 04, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 27 secs
our name is special and yet the Almighty is going to give us 3-4 brand new names in His kingdom. What is a “name”? Why do we need new names? What will your new names be? We’re given some strong clues. WHO will be those receiving new names? Will your name include your Father’s and mother’s names – and more? Where will you be given those names? Find out all this and more in this encouraging message. Hear the audio with notes. Though originally given in 2004, this sermon has been totally updated with new material. So if you heard it before, you’ll be inspired to hear it again.
Sat, Dec 17, 2016
Only those who are led by our God’s Spirit are children of God (Romans 8:14). Too many of us are led by our own emotions, fears, concerns, public opinion, or even by our church or pastor – anything or anyone but the holy spirit! In this sermon discover what “being led by” God’s spirit looks like, how it happens, and what can stop it. What does it mean to be led by the spirit, according to scripture? This is such an important topic.
Sun, Nov 20, 2016
President Kennedy once famously said ‘Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”. What CAN you and I do about our country and the perils it faces? What about the most recent US election? Should we just remain quiet and do nothing in such a time as this – or is our God looking for more from us? Or should we just say we are part of the heavenly city and just have nothing to do with our physical country? This message applies to people from anywhere in the world.
Tue, Nov 08, 2016
Duration: 52 mins 21 secs
This message was recorded on Nov 6, a day and a half before the US elections. Holding any office of leadership is a huge responsibility, and especially if you’re President of the USA. This message speaks of God’s heart for our leaders and how He would like to our leader lead. The material here will apply equally to all of us who are being called to be part of the Royal Priesthood. Also: how should the people of the country view the new President, once we know who it is?
Sat, Nov 05, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
Jeremiah 31:31-34 says “all will know Him, from the least to the greatest” when our King of kings returns to rule the earth with his Bride. Will that happen quickly and automatically? What role will the Bride of Christ play? Do you know him now intimately? How important is it to really know him? What kind of world will we inherit at first? As the Bride of Christ you will play a major role in leading the world to come to know their new King. In this sermon, you’ll hear some exciting examples of how you will help bring this about through the love of God exercised in your leadership as a spirit immortal leader. God speed this day.
Sat, Oct 29, 2016
Duration: 41 mins 42 secs
What do children of Holy God have in common with vampires, witchcraft and the hooliganism often associated with Halloween? Find out about the pagan origins of this season and how God warns His children to have nothing to do with works of darkness, and to "Come out of her, My People".
Wed, Oct 12, 2016
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 52 secs
We know God is holy, righteous, perfect, majestic. Can God also be fun? What does He like to do, what IS He like? And when we are spirit like Him, what abilities and powers will we have? We hope this inspires especially young people to see your future with God in new light.
Sat, Oct 01, 2016
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 6 secs
Are you excited about eternity and life as a spirit being in the resurrection? Or are you not so sure you want to live forever? When we're changed to spirit, what will our lives be like? Will it be fun? We know God is holy - - but is God fun? Will we enjoy eternity with Him? What do spirit beings do? Whether you're a teenager or a 92 year old, this message can rekindle your excitement about what God is offering you - as we explore your soon-coming life in the SPIRIT world!
Fri, Sep 09, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 4 secs
Whether you’re a man or woman, I promise you – you will gain some inspiring insights into man-woman by this sermon. We decided to start with Christ and how he treated women, rather than start with the traditional passages in Ephesians, etc. We are to have HIS mind and be more and more like Him – in all areas. Which social taboos and rules did He break and ignore to show the way women should be treated? How did He treat repentant women of ill repute? How did He use women to spread the gospel in their own unique way? What areas can we perhaps change and grow in – as we see our Example before us? There’s also a lot in here about being single – and what YHVH ways to single men and women. Enjoy!
Sat, Aug 27, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 13 mins 16 secs
FREE the Holy Spirit to work in your fellowship. Is the true living God in religion? Did He ever form a religion? Or is he after relationship? Is the Holy Spirit free-flowing and actively working in your fellowship group and in your life? Do you hear the Shepherd’s voice (John 10:27)? Are you and your group led by the Holy Spirit? Do you see the gifts of the spirit at work in every member? What are your gifts of the spirit and are you allowed to use your gifts to edify your fellowship – or is that role exclusive to ordained ministers? This and much more in this intriguing message.
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