
Thu, Sep 25, 2014

Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah)

I preached this message about Yom Teruah, Feast of Trumpets, in 2013. The dates are different from 2014, but the message is timeless. This year, if you keep the rabbinic calendar, you’re keeping this holyday Sept 25. If you are basing it on seeing the moon in Jerusalem, you’ll likely be keeping it on Sabbath 9/27. Hear this message to learn the next steps leading up to the coming of Yeshua. Does the 7th trumpet sound on the Feast of Trumpets? You might be surprised. Do the saints hover over Jerusalem for a day or two and then land on the Mount of Olives? Learn all about the ram’s horn “shofar”/trumpet. What does it mean for us today? Why is it called a Memorial day? Why is it called “Yom Teruah” in scripture but Jews call it Rosh Hashanah? This and more… be sure to hear this sermon. And be checking the blogs too. I might have a brand new message this year 2014 also.
Duration:1 hr 19 mins 5 secs
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