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Fri, Sep 29, 2017
This CONCLUDES THE SERIES about the ultimate divine secret or mystery revealed. See it more clearly revealed in Genesis 1. Learn what must come before dominion on earth. Is God finished creating? Can there be more than one “God” Being and still recite Deuteronomy 6:4? Hints of more than one throughout scripture. What will your resurrection body be like? How this helps us to better appreciate Passover … and more.
Thu, Sep 28, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs
What’s your ultimate destiny? Does God Most High have a DREAM for you? We explain in this sermon. Abba – God – Elohim – wants children, REAL children; real beings who grow up to look like and BE just like him. God put the law in motion that “kind begets kind” – so the offspring of a goat is a goat, of a man/woman is a human baby; kind after kind. Though we will be spirits and therefore like angels that way, is that the final goal? But angels are not of the God kind; they’re of the angelic “kind”. How can YHVH be “echad” – Hebrew for “one” (Deut 6:4) and yet there is clearly also the Word with God and was God (John 1:1-2). After hearing all 3 parts, please let me know how this impacted you.
Wed, Sep 27, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs
Have you ever wondered why you were born? What’s the meaning and purpose of your life? What is our ultimate destiny? What’s this life really all about? Why is God called our “Father” and why are we called “children of God”? What’s eternity going to be like? Hear this message and find out the most exciting news from your own Bible. What YHVH (God) has prepared for you and me is beyond our wildest dreams. Hear a glimpse of the mysteries of God being revealed.
Thu, Sep 21, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 19 secs
Sept 2017 – reposted from October 2016 This year’s Feast of Trumpets falls on Sept 21 or 22, 2017, depending on which calendar you’re using. I am reposting the notes and audio from 2016, and everything applies except the dates I cite in the 2016 audio. This is a time of great joy and jubilation – as well as alarm – depending on the side you’re on. Sound the alarm, blow the trumpet, listen to the shofar blasts. But why is it called a day of clouds and gloominess? Why don’t we call it Rosh Hashanah and what is the Bible name for this day? Does the first resurrection happen on this day – or earlier in the spring, picturing those being called out now? When does Yeshua/Jesus land on the Mt of Olives? WHY is this day called a “memorial”? A day of remembrance of what?
Sat, Sep 16, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 14 mins 14 secs
(and what he wants to do with/thru you) God our Father has always been very active, not just quietly in the background, especially in OT times as many believe. And he’s busy working in you. You’re in him and he’s in you. Yes, I’ll have sermons soon about the glory and greatness of Christ too! We hope this series has helped us see what a hard-working, involved, Supreme deity who has never changed – that we have as our own dear Father. Here we answer the questions from Philippians 2 about Christ “being equal” to the Father. Plus more scriptures showing “YHVH” (the LORD) could refer to either God the Father or the Messiah in the OT. We conclude with an examination of how deep God’s love is for you, and what He wants for you and could be doing in you – if we would just align with him. Praise our Great God and Father!
Sat, Aug 26, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 14 mins 56 secs
This teaching will inspire and surprise you to see just how involved our God and Father is in our lives and in world events since Adam and Eve. We hope you feel God’s heart in this sermon as you see Him empowering Yeshua’s miracles and devising the plan of salvation as the Master Architect. How involved is God the Father himself in deciding who should be called now? Who decides who gets to be the Bride of the Son of God? And when is Christ coming back? Who makes all those decisions? What will it be like to meet God the Father personally face to face someday? When did God run? Enjoy your Father even as you worship Him.
Sat, Aug 05, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 14 mins 57 secs
The Bible speaks of all-night-long prayers and short prayers. Both have their time and place. This teaching discusses both. Have you or I ever prayed all night long? But when we have formed a strong bond with God, even short prayers of a few seconds in length, can be life changing. Do you pray 10-20-30x every day? This teaching shows you how. Why pray often? Is your LIFE, the temple of God’s spirit, seen as “God’s House of Prayer”? This teaching focuses on some of the most powerful short prayers in the Bible and how your own life can be transformed by frequent conversations with your Maker every day. You may find your whole view of prayer changes with this message.
Sat, Jul 22, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 12 secs
Part 1 of 2 In the Old and New Testaments Without intending to, many people diminish the glory of God – or Christ – by not realizing how active BOTH have been from before the creation of Adam and Eve. Was the One we know as “God the Father” active in the Old Testament – or is it entirely true that “the God of the Old Testament was Christ”? In this 2-part sermon you will be surprised what scripture actually says about God Most High, our Father. When “God” is mentioned in the OT, is that only Christ, or only the Father? Is Christ the only Creator? Is Christ the only Savior? What about the Father – is HE also called Creator, Savior and other titles? How can Christ be God and the Father be God – and yet there be only ONE God? Are Christ and his Father equal in authority? You’ll appreciate our wonderful heavenly Father – and Yeshua -- more than ever with this teaching, backed by numerous scriptures.
Sun, Jun 25, 2017
Duration: 54 mins 7 secs
2 John 8. Do you look to God to reward you for good deeds you do and kindnesses you show? Or is it self-serving to seek after a reward, or glory and honor from our God who has already given us so much? Which is right? Learn what God Most High says about rewards and what pleases and displeases Him. Learn WHY God likes to reward. Perhaps you’ll be inspired by this message to get to work serving God and doing works of kindness more than ever before – as you seek a FULL reward.
Sat, Jun 17, 2017
Duration: 49 mins 5 secs
While referring to our Creator, we often just say “God”. But there are 150 scriptures that refer to “MY God” and many more that refer to “your God” or “our God” or “our Father”, “my Redeemer” and more. This sermon is about the power that happens as we own the relationship offered us by our Abba. We pray this message will cause you to think and reword how you refer to our awesome God and Savior.
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