Sun, Aug 05, 2018
In this message, our main focus is WHY the New Covenant is SO much more glorious, so new and so much better than the Old Covenant. I want to share the EXCITEMENT of experiencing the beauty of God’s plan. It’s FAR from just being an academic exercise. Don’t live in the Old Covenant – or even a renewed old covenant. We are in a NEW covenant. Share the joy with me. This is Part 1. We will include the scriptures for Part 1, as well as the CHART that we’ll examine closely over 2 messages.
Sat, Jul 14, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 59 secs
Any Bible reader knows the story of how YHVH eradicated the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and other nearby cities, for their evil ways. The primary sin depicted in Genesis 19 is sodomy. But the parallel description in Ezekiel 16: states other sins – like their pride, their not caring for the poor and more. But what ELSE do we know – from the very lips of our Savior? What did he say about his attitude towards the ancient inhabitants of Sodom compared to the God-believing people of his day? You might be surprised.
Sun, Jul 01, 2018
YHVH has shared a prayer from Him – to YOU-- that He wrote. It’s the only prayer of YHVH for US and to us that I’m aware of. You may have heard of this ancient prayer. It’s commonly called the “Aaronic Priestly Blessing” (Numbers 6:22-27) But I hope this sermon inspires you to feel and appreciate more deeply YHVH’s love for you. The notes for this sermon are not 100% word-for-word, but are very close, so I recommend you hear the audio with the notes. They each have information not in the other. You’ll glean more by using both the notes and audio.
Sat, Jun 16, 2018
If you are a dad or mom, or have a living father or mother, or really any loved ones, be sure to hear this sermon. A weekend in June in the USA and Canada is Father’s Day. We focus on Fathers, the 5th commandment, on the One true Father in heaven. We discuss why being a good daddy is so helpful in helping our children understand Father in heaven as a loving and wonderful Father. We talk about our holy children, our marriage covenant and divorce, and when dad and children become estranged from each other. You’ll also find wonderful links to father-child songs that will pull at your heart strings. PLUS…the coming ultimate FATHER’S DAY of all time!
Sun, May 20, 2018
On this Pentecost weekend, would you say you are “FILLED with the Holy Spirit”? Can you ever be – or is it reserved just for apostles and prophets? WHY do we even need God’s spirit? How do we receive more? How do we KEEP God’s spirit? Find out all this and more in this timely Pentecost season.
Tue, May 15, 2018
Did men and women of God in the Old Testament have the Holy Spirit IN them the same way we have God’s spirit today? What are the theological consequences of saying “yes” or “no” to that question? Can God take away the gift of the Spirit if we don’t carefully guard it’s holy presence and function in our lives? This message also conveys what a JOY it is to have God’s spirit and how we are to value and guard God’s holy presence in us. You’ll find more nuance and feeling in the audio version.
Sat, Apr 28, 2018
Duration: 50 mins 40 secs
This sermon will surprise you as we so often use the names of pagan gods and goddesses in our language – often without even realizing it. I list many common everyday words we use that are names of pagan gods. You’ll probably be surprised. So what are we to do? Some are insisting believers should eradicate all such words from their vocabulary. Is that even possible? What did Yeshua do? What does scripture say and do on the subject? How will our Father in heaven solve this problem? He has a plan. Find out what it is.
Mon, Apr 16, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 11 mins 15 secs
In the time between the first Passover and Pentecost, YHVH gushed water from the Rock after it was smitten. Forty years later, He does it again but this time Moses is told to SPEAK to the Rock. Why the difference? Why were Israel’s elders on the rock with Moses the first time, and not the second time? Why did Moses’ disbelief in this instance keep him from entering the Promised Land? And what does all this have to do with us today? Originally posted in 2014, this timeless message will make you ponder a lot of things in your relationship with our Father and Yeshua.
Sat, Apr 07, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 7 secs
After Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, ask yourself: “How FEROCIOUSLY am I fighting what’s wrong in my life, the sins I have allowed to remain in me?” What happens if we don’t root them out? What drastic actions are you willing to take? HOW do we gain the victory over sins that have plagued us all our lives? Is it even possible to be rid of all sin in this life? What warnings does our God give us about cohabiting with unconquered sin? What’s the path to sure victory? All this and more in today’s sermon.
Mon, Apr 02, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 1 sec
Given originally in 2014, this message is timeless, especially if you focus on the last half of the sermon. Three days and 3 night after Christ’s death, he rose again, and then ascended to heaven “on the first of the weeks" after Yeshua's crucifixion. Our Messiah ascended as the Wavesheaf offering, sanctifying the rest of the harvest of souls so that WE could be accepted by Father. Wavesheaf day is not a holyday, but IS a significant day. Learn about the exciting meaning of Wavesheaf day. Also learn exactly when Yeshua's (Jesus) resurrection took place. Any modern dates given in this message applied to 2014, but you’ll get the important points. Philip