Sat, Mar 16, 2019
Part 2 and conclusion to a very important topic. (Please be sure to hear and study Part 1 first.) Are you willing to accept the only righteousness that will be allowed in the kingdom of God, which is GOD’S very own perfect righteousness? So our amazing God offers to credit us with the GIFT of HIS very own righteousness, which we receive by faith. This sermon chronicles HOW that happens and includes so many scriptures to back it up. This also opens the door to real JOY over his salvation instead of always knowing we’re failures at perfection. What’s the alternative if we don’t accept His GIFT? And some ask: If we’re receiving God’s own perfect righteousness – then why do we ALL still stumble in sin from time to time? I pray this message leaves you praising God more than ever before. He is so good.
Mon, Mar 04, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 6 mins 14 secs
All scriptures are NKJV unless noted otherwise.
I HOPE and pray you’ll all carefully study and hear this VITAL 2 part teaching on HOW righteous we must be to be in God’s kingdom. Hint: OUR best will NEVER be good enough. Will you ever be righteous enough for God’s kingdom? What standard do you have to attain? We’ll discuss all that. Have you received the rarely discussed FREE GIFT God has offered you? This teaching discusses the 2 filthy ditches too many believers fall into, the vast difference between the free GIFT of God versus the rewards we receive by our good works – and how understanding this determines your joy of your salvation. Also, HOW we become righteous enough for the Kingdom of God.
PLEASE BE SURE TO HEAR THE AUDIO AND print out the notes to use as you listen - to help you follow along as we go through this.
Sat, Feb 16, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 13 mins 1 sec
Will you and I have to go through the Great Tribulation – or will we be spared? Some apparently will be spared BUT many will not. Which group will you be in? This sermon explains the balance we need about praying to be spared, while also not just focusing on saving our own skin. We look at Revelation 3 and 12 also. Is repentance in order? What are the qualities of those who are described as the ones spared? You’ll want to know. Transcript and audio are not 100% aligned… so print off the transcript AS you listen to the audio, or you’ll miss a lot if ONLY using notes or only audio.
Tue, Dec 25, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 40 secs
Was the Word (John 1:1-3, 14) – whom we know to be Yeshua (Jesus) – also sometimes the One called “YHVH”, or “the LORD”, in the Old Testament? Absolutely. And today I’ll prove that by scripture. Understanding this is key to understanding the coming “Day of the LORD” and how God the Father and the Word of God worked with Israel and the nations prior to the coming of Messiah. Sometimes YHVH must refer only to the Father, and sometimes only to the WORD who was also God, and sometimes to both, depending on context. I’ll prove that in this sermon. Who was the YHVH who appeared to humans – though Yeshua said NOBODY has ever seen God the Father (John 6:46)? MANY examples are given that show where YHVH is the one who came as Christ. What is the Hebrew “Word Picture” for YHVH – and much, much more. This lesson will surprise many of you and reassure many others as to the greatness of our Yeshua our Saviour. Be sure to print out the lesson before hearing it, as it will move along quickly. I welcome your comments after you hear the lesson.
Sat, Dec 15, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 9 secs
Here is Part 2 as we continue the question of WHO exactly is YHVH (“the LORD”)? We do a quick review showing YHVH is clearly God the Father – but then begin to show without doubt that YHVH HAS to also refer to the One who came as Yeshua. Who was this great Yeshua? Can we prove he pre-existed his birth through Mary? Was he “God” while in the flesh? Was he also YHVH? Was he equal to YHVH the Father? By the time we’re done you will have a much greater AWE for our Father AND for Yeshua the Son of God than you’ve probably had before. Print out the notes AND hear the audio. Take your time to really study all the scriptures given. God bless you in your quest to learn more about the Godhead.
Sat, Dec 08, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 22 secs
There is a recurring discussion about who YHVH (Yahweh or Yehovah) is. If we get it wrong, it ends up diminishing and dishonoring or even dissing God the Father or diminishing the Word of God, Yeshua (Jesus). God wants to be worshipped in TRUTH. We know there is “one God”, how can there be more than 1 YHVH? This will be at least a 2-part sermon, maybe 3-part. Parts of this teaching may surprise some of you. Have people seen YHVH – or not? John 1:18 says nobody has. What’s the truth? Was God the Father actively involved in the Old Testament or was Yeshua the “God of the Old Testament”? Find out. The truth helps us celebrate and worship our Father and our Savior Yeshua (Jesus).
Wed, Dec 05, 2018
Duration: 21 mins 31 secs
Hanukkah – the Festival of Lights, or Feast of Dedication. Should non-Jewish believers in Yeshua participate in Hanukkah, which is usually kept in early-to mid-December each year. Jews keep it to remember a wonderful victory and a time when they rededicated their temple and – in a way – “turn the lights back on”. Learn about it in this very short message of about 22 minutes. Did Yeshua (Jesus) have anything to do with Hanukkah? You might be surprised. What lessons can this multi-day celebration teach non-Jews?
Sat, Nov 10, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 5 secs
This message is a call to action to the people of God – to do what 2 Chronicles 7:14 says. We’re much too lukewarm. I hope you will heed God’s word on zealously recommitting to Him with all our hearts and doing what He tells us to do if we want more of His involvement and interventions. IF enough of us do respond, I strongly believe God will do what he promises and we’ll start seeing many more miracles, healings and God’s intervention in our lives, in the church family and even in our country.
Sat, Oct 27, 2018
Duration: 51 mins 54 secs
In the USA, on Nov 6, 2018 we will have what could be the most consequential election in many decades. Many of the races could be won or lost by razor-thin margins. SHOULD you as a believer vote? Or would that be participating in “Babylon”? Does it matter to our God if we vote or not? This message will make you think, no matter which side of the debate you’re on. I hope all believers hear this in time to decide to vote or not to vote on or before Nov. 6.
Sat, Sep 22, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 32 secs
Biblical information is timeless. We are re-posting sermons given previously for your enjoyment. Have a wonderful feast.
Learn all about the main points concerning the Feast of Tabernacles as we celebrate the reign of our beloved King Yeshua. Why we dwell in booths. Do Christians have to keep the Feast? What is the Feast pointing to? What was to be done every 7 years at the Feast? How can you and I have a most wonderful Feast of Tabernacles? And - Happy Feast to all of you. I'll try to have more messages later.