Light on the Rock

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Wow. We’re here now in the last four holy days of God starting with what the Bible calls Yom Teruah – the Day of Blasts/Trumpets.  Then the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), then the first day of the seven-day Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) and finally the 8th day (Lev 23:39).  Each of these days reveal more of God’s plan of salvation for most of mankind, though some refuse to follow God and won’t be saved.  Jesus/Yeshua the Christ, will return suddenly to rule the world for 1000 years before turning everything over to the Father.  Before Messiah returns, there will be the time of Great tribulation for God’s children, wars, heavenly signs and plagues of God’s wrath on the world. It’s high time for us all to seek God as never before. 

God bless you all, Philip Shields, host.

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Audio & Video Sermons and Blogs - Updated 10/3/2024

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04 October 2024
Light on the Rock Blogs
Wow! God’s “appointed time” – His appointment with us for his holy days – have started for the Fall. I know, some of you kept the holydays a few weeks earlier than the Hebrew calendar, but either way, we’re in the Fall holydays of God, his appointed ...
24 August 2024
Light on the Rock Blogs
All scriptures are NKJV unless noted otherwise. I don’t believe it’s as common any longer as it used to be in the USA – but 20-40 years ago, people from various church groups felt they needed to evangelize the entire world and time was short, so they...
20 August 2024
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What exactly is a Christian? Or a true disciple of Christ? These are questions every believer should ponder occasionally. Of course, the New Testament clearly shows that a true follower of Christ is not simply someone who believes in God (James 2:19)...
03 August 2024
Light on the Rock Blogs
Note from P Shields: this article or blog is by Carol Taylor and she brings some deep insights into this topic. Enjoy.  *** **************       We all know what happens if muscles are not exercised—they get flabby. Not ...
14 July 2024
Light on the Rock Blogs
So many teach and believe that when we pray “thy kingdom come”, that we’re referring to the millennial thousand-year reign of Christ. We use phrases like “the soon-coming Kingdom of God” – and to many, that’s referring to the thousand year reign of C...
08 June 2024
Light on the Rock Blogs
Written by older ladies in the Church of God (Please do NOT give this to teenagers youger than 18. Parents should read this and reveal as much as they feel their teens need to know). In coed sports, when male players accuse female players of trying t...
25 May 2024
Light on the Rock Blogs
In today's world, where the pressure to conform to societal norms is intense, the temptation to be a "secret Christian" or even a secret believer can be strong. We might fear judgment, ridicule, or even persecution if we openly declared ourselves to ...
11 March 2023
Light on the Rock Blogs
“The Second Passover” – 30 days after the first Passover on the 14th of Abib, which is usually in late March or early April.  I was amazed that I had not addressed this or written a blog on this topic earlier. So here it is!  In fact, I thi...
10 May 2024
Light on the Rock Blogs
By Randy Freeze, host of website “Hope of Israel Worldwide”. In a world filled with distractions and competing voices, it's easy to lose sight of the timeless truths found in God's Word. Yet, now more than ever, we need to prioritize daily Bible stud...
05 May 2024
Light on the Rock Blogs
This is a very important topic, as we get ready for the kingdom of God to be set up on earth relatively soon. Will you be there? And if so, in what capacity? As we come to Christ, and let him live in us, and face and tackle our sinful flesh, realize ...