
Latest sermons by
Sat, Nov 11, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 11 mins 17 secs
What was Jesus’ first miracle? WHY was that the first one? What did the wine at Cana point to? Why did Jesus/Yeshua have to make so MUCH wine in that miracle (120-180 gallons)? What can we learn by “The PRINCIPLE OF FIRST MENTION” concerning wine? What is consumed for Passover – grape juice or wine? Does GOD enjoy wine? Did he require an offering of wine? Whether you feel believers can or shouldn’t drink wine or alcohol, you’ll discover spiritual insights connected to drinking wine that you may not have realized before as we study this together.
Mon, Oct 23, 2023
Duration: 41 mins 8 secs
Some believe we are to pray directly only to God the Father and never to Jesus Christ. If you believe that, or if that is your practice – not to ever pray to Jesus -- I encourage you to listen to this teaching. Does Christ’s teaching us to pray to our Father in the “Lord’s Prayer”, command us not to ever pray to HIM? Who did Abraham, David, the prophets and others pray to in the Old Testament? Are we never to pray to our Betrothed?
Fri, Oct 20, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 11 mins 12 secs
What’s really happening in Israel? Where did the name “Palestine” come from? What does GOD call that land in the Bible? Are terrorist attacks coming to America? Is a Two-state solution being sought by Palestinians? Is Israel practicing Apartheid? What did Arafat do in 2000 when offered a Palestinian State/country? What are believers to be doing to have peace in all this? What are we told to be praying for and about?
Mon, Sep 18, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 14 mins 53 secs
The Feast of Tabernacles will soon be here. Honestly: is your heart in it? Are you excited about it? Are you even planning to go? Will you be prepared mentally and spiritually to appear before your Maker and to worship the King? This message is about things we can do to make it a great feast for everyone, and then five reasons we go to the Feast in the first place. This could be just what you and your family need before heading for the feast.
Tue, Sep 12, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 12 secs
Note: Though this is from the 2018 sermon, the message is current. God’s holydays give us a blue print – an outline – of God’s plan to reveal himself to all mankind and to save. The Feast of Trumpets is all about the Son of God Yeshua returning to earth to rule the world. What is the sequence of events culminating in His return? We explain, in this teaching. It will be exciting for those on His side, and scary as can be for those assembling to fight him.
Mon, Aug 14, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 15 secs
God “used to” reveal himself to men and women “in Bible times” through angels, and even from Christ himself. Others had dreams and visions. These happened both in the Old and New Testament accounts and even after Christ’s resurrection. Has God quit revealing himself and His will? Peter says in Acts 2 that he believed the Joel 2 prophecy was happening; that men AND women were speaking as led by the Holy Spirit. This sermon shows that God has not retired, has not gone mute, but in fact reveals Himself in many ways to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Be sure to print out the notes but also hear the audio – as so much more is in the audio than just the notes.
Sun, Aug 13, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 10 mins 9 secs
Do you have a dream? God has a dream for you! He is calling you to be in the First Resurrection, which is such a high calling. What does that mean? WHY is it called the “better resurrection” in Heb 11:35? WHO will be in that resurrection? I pray this teaching will re-excite God’s children to their high, high calling and help us protect and cherish it. I’ll also draw a connection to Pentecost. Especially if you need to be re-motivated in the things of God, this sermon is for you.
Sun, Jul 16, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 6 mins 51 secs
Most of us probably miss the dozens of passages in the Old Testament that point to Christ as Savior, the promised Messiah and returning King of Kings. This teaching will give numerous examples we might otherwise read right over. You will appreciate Christ more than ever and be excited to see him glorified from Genesis onwards.
Sat, Jul 15, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs
This teaching, originally given in 2014, is one of my most important ones I’ve ever done. After hearing it, I hope you will feel profound joy and want to shout out praises to our High Priest and King for what He is doing (Hebrews 4:14-16). We go through key understandings from Hebrews and Exodus 28, the Priest chapter – but combine it with New Covenant understanding to bring glory to Jesus, our High Priest. We also delve deeply into the profound concepts of being “in Him”, which make the New Covenant possible.
Sat, Jun 17, 2023
Duration: 57 mins 31 secs
If our understanding about God is skewed, we can end up sidelining either God Most High (the Father) or The Word of God (Jesus). How do we explain Deut 6:4 – “The LORD (YHVH) is one”? Hebrew “echad”. IS there room for more than one being in the Godhead? Last time I showed from scripture how BOTH the Father and the Son are Creator, BOTH are Savior, and BOTH are God of the Old Testament. Study Part 1 first. In this one, we’ll cover “which one was YHVH” (the LORD)? Who is Alpha and Omega in Revelation? Who is the “I am”? HOW active was God Most High in the Old Testament?
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