Light on the Rock Blogs
To whom do we belong?
Do you belong to the Republican party? Or to the Democrat party? Do you put your faith and stock in the leader of one of those parties in America – or in any country’s leaders anywhere in the world? Could we need a reminder of to whom we actually belong? And IN whom should our trust be?
In November 2024, there was a very important presidential election in the USA. Donald J. Trump, a Republican, won that race and is now the president. A lot of emotion played out during these elections.
I’ve found many members of the family of God identified with either Trump or Kamala, his opponent. They were either “elephant party” (Republican) or they were of the “donkey party” (Democrat) – and each proudly proclaimed it so.
I’m also seeing more and more brethren putting a lot of trust in President Trump. He may or may not end up as a great president, but one thing we must remember: never put your faith in man. Never. Though God is clear: HE is the one who puts our leaders in place, whether good or bad. Others go the other extreme and hate Trump. Both extremes are deadly wrong. Romans 13:1-2 was likely written during the despotic evil reign of Caesar Nero, who ultimately even beheaded Paul the apostle. But look what Paul says.
Romans 13:1-2 “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.”
Jesus is the only true perfect Potentate (1 Timothy 6:15). So all of our faith as God’s children must always be in God our Father and God alone – not in any political leader. This applies to any and all of you no matter where you live in the world.
King David says in so many of his Psalms that he put ALL his trust in God, and not in man. (Psalm 7:1; 11:1; 16:1; 56:4). That’s where you and I must be.
Why are so many of God’s family also talking about how President Trump will save America. Brethren, we have one Savior only and that is Jesus Christ. Some are even talking about how President Trump will save the world. That is very, very dangerous talk coming from children of God. God’s SON alone is the Savior of us all who will accept him.
This short blog is to remind all of the family of God throughout the world, we do NOT belong to parties or groups of men or even church organizations. We belong to “Lamb of God party”. And that’s it. We see Yeshua, the Messiah, as our Savior and Leader. Ultimately, not any man or woman or group.
There may come times when we have to proclaim where our supreme loyalty lies. The early Christians had to face punishment or even death if they didn’t proclaim and worship the current Caesar. The coming Beast power, or Antichrist, will also demand worldwide worship of him – or you die (Rev. 13:8, 15). But neither must we ever even for a second consider worshiping The Beast or the Man of Sin, or we will suffer the greater wrath of God.
So let’s learn all this now: we owe our allegiance to God. If we ever have to decide between God and man, we must always pick GOD. See verse 29 below. And of course we must never, ever, ever worship anyone but God.
Acts 5:27-29 “And when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest asked them, 28 saying, "Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name? And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this Man's blood on us!"
29 But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: "We ought to obey God rather than men.”
We are not of this world, Jesus said (John 17:11). Our citizenship is in heaven first of all (Philippians 3:20), though we also hold our citizenship to our country. That’s OK. Paul used his Roman citizenship on occasion to save himself from being whipped without a trial as a Roman citizen (see Romans 2:22-29; 3:27).
So our VALUES, what we believe, what we hold dear, are all based on God and HIS values, what HE holds dear, and WHO HE is and everything He shows us in His word. This is why we must be deeply studying God’s word daily.
In Jesus’ “high priestly prayer” of John 17, Jesus lays out the priorities. He says a couple times that we are not OF this world though we’re sent into it. And we are to “come out of her, my people” (Revelation 18:4). Finding the right balance is the key.
John 17:14-19 “I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 15 I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. 18 As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.”
So you and I may prefer one political party over others, but in the end, we must remember: “I’m NOT one of them. I’m of the Lamb of God. Period.”
So who do we belong to? We’ve actually been bought with the price of the blood of Jesus – and therefore we belong to him (1 Cor. 6:19-20; Mark 9:41; Galatians 3:29).
Mark 9:41 “For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you BELONG to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.”
We don’t even just own ourselves. GOD owns you. God bought us. God now indwells us by His Spirit. So you and I now BELONG to God and we have to live and think and act every day like someone who fully, deeply understands that.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.”
Galatians 3:29 “And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
I suggest we all take a deep breath and in prayer, rededicate and confess our total unswerving allegiance to our Savior and our heavenly Father and renew our total dedication and faith in God – who OWNS us -- and NOT in any man or woman or party.
Comments 5
Philip Shields is known for his ability to distill complicated political concepts into relatable narratives that resonate with a wide audience. His messages emphasize the importance of ethical leadership and civic responsibility. For church leaders, Shields’ teachings can serve as a reminder of the role faith plays in guiding our moral compass and decision-making processes. By embracing the principles he outlines, leaders can cultivate a generation that prioritizes integrity and compassion in politics.
Thank you, Philip, for this wonderful blog, To Whom We Belong. I’m so grateful for the wisdom and encouragement you’ve shared—it has truly helped me refocus on what’s truly important amidst all the craziness happening in the world. Your words are a reminder of where our hope lies, and they’ve brought me so much peace. Thank you for letting God use you to bless others. May He continue to guide and inspire your work!
Great post, Philip! I completely agree—ultimately, "We belong to Lamb of God party," and it's in Him that we find our true identity and purpose. I've been blessed with this blog. Congratulations!
Wou! This is a wonderful message you have shared, you have truly answered many of my questions, thank you so much for sharing.
Hallelu Yah!
Hallelu Yah! This has opened my eyes.