Light on the Rock Blogs

The blogs are short articles, almost like a “sermonette” compared to a sermon. They are on a variety of topics, please enjoy.
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Some of our reader’s favorite blogs on this site

We are hoping to have some new features soon on our website, including a search feature. But in the meantime, I thought I’d mention some blogs we’ve had in the past that may be interesting to you if you missed them before. You’ll notice that at the bottom of the blog page, when you scroll all the way down, that there are 10-11 “PAGES” of blogs going back several years. So I’ll list some titles you may find intriguing and decide to check out. So I’ll do it by page number and date. The “page number” will change of course, if you are reading THIS blog some months or years after Dec 2013.

I find many of the requested titles go back to page 10 – to 2011 and 2012. But the main point of this blog: scroll down and see what’s here. You’ll discover a lot of timeless topics you’ll find interesting. 

Page 1            John 15:2 – the branch that is “taken away” – or is it “lifted up”.

“Seeing Yeshua Throughout scripture” -- where you might not have seen him before. Oct 26, 2013 - WHY Study – the biggest reason, was a big favorite for many.

Page 2:           Oct 17, 2013- “It is well with my Soul”  The inspiring story behind the hymn.

                      Oct 12, 2013 – Our ability to bless GOD!

Page 3:           July 20, 2013- Do you want to be Well?

A very intriguing blog by guest writer R. Herbert.    

July 13 – Are you a Gatherer or a scatterer?

June 15, 2013-- How to “pray without ceasing”

Page 4:           March 20, 2013-   JOHN 21:11 – Why are 153 Fish specifically mentioned?

Page 5:           March 27, 2013 – Who REALLY killed Christ? (The answer will surprise you. It goes beyond the Romans, the Jews, and even YOU, as the answers. Way beyond.)

Page 6:           Nov 17, 2012- Is “Hamas” mentioned in scripture?

Page 7:           June 24, 2012—According to Scripture, when does human life actually begin?

Page 8:           6/12/2012   How the 9 month Birth Cycle ties perfectly with the holydays of God.

Page 9:           Feb 22, 2012- explaining “You’re the Apple of His Eye” (one of most requested)

 July 19, 2011- “I’m so glad they lost my luggage” -- or “baggage” (spiritually)

Page 10:          June 27, 2011—A new look at the verse about “Gates of Hell”

                       June 21, 2011 – The Islamic Anti-Christ, a review.

                       June 3, 2011—A New look at Amos 3:3 and walking together

                       April 17, 2011—I don’t call my brother “Mr Shields” (church titles)

                       April 15, 2011—We don’t get to choose our brothers and sisters.

The FIRST questions in scripture
An encouraging look at John 15:2- the unfruitful b...


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