Light on the Rock Blogs

The blogs are short articles, almost like a “sermonette” compared to a sermon. They are on a variety of topics, please enjoy.
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2 minutes reading time (343 words)

God’s plan revealed in patriarchs’ names

The more we dive into God’s word, the more surprises there are. Big stuff, little stuff, but always interesting. So many “hidden gems” within scripture.

You may or may not realize that the Ten Patriarchs from Adam to Noah  -- spanning a time period of about 1656 years – had within their names the plan of God’s salvation for mankind. How could that have been orchestrated by man? How could it have been mere coincidence?

Below you’ll see a list where I have each one’s “English” name and then to the right of each name, the meaning of each name. I didn’t come up with this. It’s possible Chuck Misler was the first to come up with this, but then again, perhaps he in turn got it from others. But nonetheless, it’s very interesting.

Methuselah was interesting too. It seems apparent to many that he died just before the great Flood of Noah’s day. And his name means “his death shall bring”. 

            Now just read the right side, top to bottom in an even pace and you’ll hear yourself saying God’s Plan of Salvation as a compilation of the ten patriarchs’ names.

Adam                           Man (is)
Seth                           appointed
Enosh                         mortal

Kenan                         sorrow; (but)
Mahalalel                   The Blessed God
Jared                          shall come down

Enoch                       teaching
Methuselah             his death shall bring
Lamech                     the despairing
Noah                         comfort, rest.           

This time, just let me put it into sentence form, so there’s no misunderstanding what I’m asking you to do.  Here’s how their 10 names would read as a sentence:

Man is appointed mortal sorrow, (but) the Blessed God shall come down teaching his death shall bring the despairing comfort and rest.” 

I love it. How could this just be mere coincidence?

There are so many hidden gems like this in the Bible, and over time I’ll share more.

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God’s children don’t do Halloween – at all!

Comments 3

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Ondigo Ochieng on Thursday, 24 November 2022 20:00
God's Plan Revealed in Patriarchs' names

Awesome! Thanks Philip for shading light concerning God's plan that has been revealed in patriarchs' name!

Awesome! Thanks Philip for shading light concerning God's plan that has been revealed in patriarchs' name!
George Otieno on Thursday, 22 December 2022 07:35

Very interesting and enlightening indeed. The plan of the Eternal is surely hidden but thanks to Him for revealing it through names of patriarchs.
George Otieno Owato, Kenya Minister

Very interesting and enlightening indeed. The plan of the Eternal is surely hidden but thanks to Him for revealing it through names of patriarchs. George Otieno Owato, Kenya Minister
Randy Freeze on Tuesday, 10 January 2023 20:58

Thank you Philip for sharing this insightful information about the meaning behind the names of the Ten Patriarchs. It is truly fascinating to see how God has woven his plan of salvation into scripture in such a creative way. The revelation that these patriarchs' names convey a message that narrates God's plan of salvation is a testament to the inerrancy and divine inspiration of the Bible. It is a powerful reminder of the many hidden treasures that can be found in scripture when we dive deeper into it.

Scripture reference : 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Thank you Philip for sharing this insightful information about the meaning behind the names of the Ten Patriarchs. It is truly fascinating to see how God has woven his plan of salvation into scripture in such a creative way. The revelation that these patriarchs' names convey a message that narrates God's plan of salvation is a testament to the inerrancy and divine inspiration of the Bible. It is a powerful reminder of the many hidden treasures that can be found in scripture when we dive deeper into it. Scripture reference : 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: