Light on the Rock Blogs

The blogs are short articles, almost like a “sermonette” compared to a sermon. They are on a variety of topics, please enjoy.
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9 minutes reading time (1771 words)

Are you a real “Berean”?

Wherever Paul preached, the cities were engaged, to say the least. Paul was accused of teaching there was another king – King Jesus – and not just Caesar. So in Acts 17, he was ejected from Thessalonica because of that accusation and so he went to the next city – Berea – and this is what we read…

Acts 17:10-11   “Then the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea. When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, AND searched the Scriptures DAILY to find out whether these things were so.

The point of this blog is to encourage us all to double-check everything we’re hearing in church services and from the booklets and articles we read. This implies perhaps much more Bible study than some of us now do. Each of us should LOOK UP the scriptures that are being cited in sermons and articles. Be a Berean who ‘searched the scriptures DAILY” to verify that what was preached is truly in the Bible. Notice they didn’t search the scriptures to prove the minister wrong, but to prove the minister right. They “received the word with all readiness”, it says. They were eager to listen. It was a positive investigation. Always read 10 verses before the cited verse and 10 verses after so you’re getting the context.

We have so many Bible tools today that make it easy to verify what scripture says on any topic. Verify MY sermons and blogs too. The Bereans probably had to go to their synagogue and ask permission to look up the large scrolls of the Old Testament. There was no New Testament around yet at this time. Imagine how hard it would be to look up scriptures in large scrolls – one scroll per Bible book, normally. And they didn’t have chapter and verse back then either.

I guess this blog is to encourage us all to get our noses into God’s word more than ever. And I mean into God’s word itself. I know so many people who listen non-stop to sermon after sermon, or read articles and booklets that churches put out. That could be helpful, of course, but keep in mind each fellowship has their own set of beliefs and their booklets and articles and sermons will reflect the verses and scriptures that substantiate their beliefs. I’m saying, dig into the word yourself on various subjects. You will be surprised so many times.

For example: many church groups baptize people into the name of the Father, Son and Holy spirit, because that’s what Matthew 28:19 does say. But dig into that subject more deeply. I do have sermon audio on it (“Into Whom are we baptized?”), but dig into it yourself, even when hearing or reading MY own material here on Light on the Rock. Here’s what I found, when I dug into that: there’s not even ONE example where that’s the wording any of the apostles and deacon Philip used when baptizing.

We are after all baptized into Christ, into his body, and into his name. My sermon explains how Matthew 28:19 was added by Constantine, according to the historians, to back up the trinity doctrine. The original verse was to baptize “in my name” (Jesus speaking) – and that is exactly what those who were baptizing DID! Every single time.

So now when I baptize anyone, it will be in Jesus’ name, into HIS body. Look up these verses and see what Peter, Philip, Paul and others said and did: Acts 2:38; Acts 8:12,16; Acts 10:48 - Cornelius; Acts 19:4-5 - the men of Ephesus; Romans 6:3. Also see Galatians 3:27 - baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 

Not one single time can be found where any of them baptized into the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Not one time. If you think I’m wrong, show me. 

By being a Berean who digs into the word, you’ll find that a lot of the traditions of various groups cannot be backed up by scripture. 

Here’s another. Some groups let only ordained elders baptize (immerse) people. Is that scriptural? The disciples baptized for Jesus (John 4:1-2), and they weren’t ordained yet and didn’t even have God’s Holy Spirit yet. Philip the DEACON, not an ordained elder yet, baptized many in Samaria and the Ethiopian eunuch. When I baptize, if a brother or father wants to “assist” in the baptism of his daughter, I’m delighted to let him participate. So I say if you want to be baptized, and especially if there are no ordained men near you who teach the truth of God’s word – find a leading member of the church or deacon to baptize you. But beware: your church organization may not approve! But also remember, we’re not baptizing you into any corporate group or church organization, but into the body of Christ.

It does appear that only ordained ministers did the laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit.  After Philip baptized those in Samaria, Jerusalem sent out Peter and John to lay hands on them (Acts 8:14-17) so they could receive the Holy Spirit. But what do you do if, again, there are no ordained true ministers around? Study that and ponder that. Let me know what you find. The “elders” – as best as I can see in the New Testament – weren’t just older men but were the ordained teachers, bishops, overseers, pastors of the areas. I’m praying for direction on this too, for indeed, the Holy Spirit CAN be given without laying on of hands, as the case of Cornelius shows us, though that was a strong exception possibly. Peter was being clearly shown that God was now also calling Gentiles to repentance and conversion. See Acts 10 for the story of Cornelius. Note verses 44-46.

And who among the apostles and believers in Acts 2 Pentecost had hands laid on them to receive God’s spirit before Peter preached his sermon? We’re not told of any! But they certainly received the Holy Spirit. Again, without any laying on of hands from elders. So we can’t be so rigid as I myself had been to insist that only through an ordained minister can someone receive God’s spirit. I think that’s the ideal when there are ordained true elders available. We read of Peter and John laying on of hands for baptized Samaritans to receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17). But remember the Holy Spirit actually comes from God the Father  (1 Cor. 6:19) – through Jesus – through the elder laying on his hands. But the Spirit comes from God. Let’s not box God in to our limitations.

Just recently a man told me that he heard a rabbi say that King David never really sinned. My immediate reaction was “What Bible is HE reading?”. And he explained there were five, supposedly, who never sinned. OK, let me ask you. What scriptures or concepts would immediately flood into your mind to refute that? For me it was “ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). And “there’s none righteous, no not one” {by God’s perfect righteousness at least) – Romans 3:10-12. PLUS the prophet Nathan told David he had sinned and David admitted it in Psa 51:4 and 2 Sam 12:13.

Don’t confine your searches to verses being preached at you or just from the scriptures in an article or blog, including this one – because obviously the preacher will pick scriptures that seem to substantiate his view. Do some extra digging yourself. Bereans didn’t have everything handed to them. No, they had to go do some digging into the scriptures themselves. Be doing so much Bible study that now when something is preached, you can either nod in agreement or make a note to check up something that seems obviously wrong. 

Beware: ministers are still human. If someone constantly finds them teaching what's false, you won’t be popular with that minister for long. In that case it’s probably time to find a different teacher anyway.

Use the tools available. I do a lot of intensive Bible studies at my desk with all the tools I have, but also will listen to the Bible audios as I weed, do dishes, or feed my birds outside. I listen to each chapter several times so I don’t miss anything.

We’ve all been given so much, and we’ll be partly judged by what we’ve been given. We have free apps like Bible Hub, Bible Gateway, E-Sword, and many more apps. BE SURE TO LOAD up your laptop and cell phone with these apps. You can even listen to the Bible audio in numerous translations and in scores of languages. One I bought some years ago is so comprehensive, called PC Biblesoft version 5. There are so many free study apps that let us dig into the original Hebrew or Greek, or even find loads of cross-references. They have “topics” – so you can do topical studies and look up any word you like – like Berea for example – and learn all about that topic. Plus Commentaries galore. Bible maps. Bible photos. My PC Biblesoft does all that and much more. Of course these tools also have dozens of Bible translations you can check.

By playing the audio Bibles, what the Bible says will come more readily to you. I have made a practice to listen to each chapter at least twice in a row, often three times. Often on the 2nd and third go, I change to a different translation, as I find that rings different bells for me. So now, when I hear something being preached that is obviously wrong, I usually can instantly think of some scriptures that say it’s wrong.

A Berean not only searches the scriptures – which for them would have been quite a chore – but they would come to KNOW the scriptures better. And better yet, we’d want to come to know the AUTHOR of the scriptures, the Son of God who is known as The Word of God.

John 5:39-40 “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. 40 But you are not willing to come to ME that you may have life.

So be a Berean who knows the scriptures, but better, is coming to know the Author too.

Is God’s will always done in this world?
DO NOT speak evil of dignitaries

Comments 4

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Ondigo Ochieng on Saturday, 13 May 2023 14:45
Are you a real " Berean" ?

This is a thought provoking blog. It is a challenge to all who are reading this amazing blog. We need to study the Bible with open mindedness and should know that the Scriptures speak about Messiah. Thanks a lot Philip for sharing this blog. May our Father in heaven bless your efforts in serving His people. Br. Ondigo Ochieng-Kenya.

This is a thought provoking blog. It is a challenge to all who are reading this amazing blog. We need to study the Bible with open mindedness and should know that the Scriptures speak about Messiah. Thanks a lot Philip for sharing this blog. May our Father in heaven bless your efforts in serving His people. Br. Ondigo Ochieng-Kenya.
Francis Gisiri Mwita on Tuesday, 16 May 2023 07:27
Are you a real " Berean

Thank you very much for sharing this message, it is meat in the due season.
I pray that Abba bless us with the heart of studying the scripture and bless us with the heart of Bereans.

Thank you very much for sharing this message, it is meat in the due season. I pray that Abba bless us with the heart of studying the scripture and bless us with the heart of Bereans. Shalom!
Protas on Saturday, 20 May 2023 16:19

This is a simple but challenging question. Every worshiper of God should think on this question. As for me I used not to be a Berean until when God called me in 2019. Since then I have been taking Bible reading and study seriously. This blog has encouraged and inspired me to be a real Berean, so I will devote my time to continue reading and studying God's word. May all who read this blog be challenged and encouraged too. Protas Situma, Kenya

This is a simple but challenging question. Every worshiper of God should think on this question. As for me I used not to be a Berean until when God called me in 2019. Since then I have been taking Bible reading and study seriously. This blog has encouraged and inspired me to be a real Berean, so I will devote my time to continue reading and studying God's word. May all who read this blog be challenged and encouraged too. Protas Situma, Kenya
George Otieno on Tuesday, 23 May 2023 04:38

This is a very challenging question considering what is happening in the religious circles! Personally, I can say that I am trying the much I can to be a Berean 100% but still find myself falling short of that. In that retrospect, this blog has both challenged and stirred me up to be a real Berean! There are many false teachings and misunderstandings in the religious circles that requires God's people to REAL BEREANS today than ever. Let's take what Christ Jesus said in John 8:31-32 and what Paul said in Acts 17:10-12 seriously. George Otieno Owato, Kenya Minister.

This is a very challenging question considering what is happening in the religious circles! Personally, I can say that I am trying the much I can to be a Berean 100% but still find myself falling short of that. In that retrospect, this blog has both challenged and stirred me up to be a real Berean! There are many false teachings and misunderstandings in the religious circles that requires God's people to REAL BEREANS today than ever. Let's take what Christ Jesus said in John 8:31-32 and what Paul said in Acts 17:10-12 seriously. George Otieno Owato, Kenya Minister.