Light on the Rock Blogs

The blogs are short articles, almost like a “sermonette” compared to a sermon. They are on a variety of topics, please enjoy.
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8 minutes reading time (1541 words)

Are we FAITHFUL in LITTLE things too?

This is a very important topic, as we get ready for the kingdom of God to be set up on earth relatively soon. Will you be there? And if so, in what capacity?

As we come to Christ, and let him live in us, and face and tackle our sinful flesh, realize the change has to be total. Jesus teaches that one way He and Father look at our reliability is that we are reliable, faithful, trusted even in what we might consider to be just little things.

But the way people treat so-called “little things” shows their character.

What things are “no big deal” to you? Or we also say, “not a biggie”, to use a couple of expressions. There certainly are some things that truly are not a big deal but a surprising number of things we say or feel are no big deal might be a big deal to God. Why? Because it shows our heart.

If we’re faithful in little, God will reward us. If you’re not, you won’t be rewarded. I’m not necessarily talking about being saved – but being rewarded. Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ, and as we read in Eph 2:8-9 we have already been saved, and it is finalized if we endure to the very end. But though we’re not saved by our deeds, big and small, we ARE rewarded by our deeds, big and small.

Read these carefully:

Luke 16:10

He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.” 

Luke 19:17-19

And he said to him, 'Well done, good servant; because you were faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities.'  18 And the second came, saying, 'Master, your mina has earned five minas.'  19 Likewise he said to him, 'You also be over five cities.'   [These are definitely rewards]

Matthew 25:20-21

"So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, 'Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.' 

21 His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.'

What are “little things” to you?

  • We might always be kind and respectful to people outside our home but maybe not so kind and respectful to our wife or husband or children. “They’re just kids. It’s not a big deal” – we might falsely reason. But that’s an example of a “little thing” that God is watching.
  • How well do you keep sabbath? Or is it not a big deal to not be ready for sabbath properly? Or to be vacuuming your home still a few minutes into the sabbath… but you’re almost done. What do you do on sabbath because those things are not a big deal, are just a little thing to you?
  • Truthfulness little white lies. We even call them “little”, not a big thing… but a lie is a lie. There’s so much lying that goes on so we never know if we’re being told 100% the truth – or a lie. In turning in reports, are your reports 100% the truth? Watch this one. It’s so easy to lie but hardly notice it.
  • Are we considerate of the needs of others? It’s polite when calling someone to first ask, “Did I catch you at a bad time? Or can you talk for a little while?” That’s a little thing that shows a deeply loving heart.
  • One I have to do better at: being on time for appointments and meetings. Certainly for church services or conference calls, don’t be late. Don’t make others wait for you to arrive. Don’t make GOD wait for you to arrive. Yes, I have to be better at this too. Being on time – meaning you arrive a few minutes earlier – means a lot to everyone. Habitually being late means you don’t care how your late arrival is impacting others. It’s inconsiderate. It’s not being like God. Being late for a dinner or meal being put on for you can spoil the host’s dinner! Don’t do it. It’s more than just a “little thing”. 
  • Those of you in Kenya and Tanzania who submit sabbath reports: that’s not a little thing. Submitting those reports on time, not late, shows God you’ll also be faithful in much. We have to chase down some of you to get your reports in at all, let alone on time! I personally read every word, check your sermonettes and sermons and prayer requests, etc. Your reports often lead me to bow my head in prayer for you for specific requests. So send those in, as I ask God to bless those of you needing blessings. In fact, this very article would be a good sermonette for you guys to use as well.
  • Have you ever taken the time to learn the name of a custodian cleaning out the bathroom in a store or work place, and tell her how much you appreciate how she keeps the place so sparkling clean. Last time I said that, the lady was amazed, and may have even been a bit emotional as she said, “No one has ever said such a nice thing to me. Thank you. It means so much to me.”

Doing such a thing shows your converted spirit-filled heart.  That “little thing” action – showed God a lot. He notes that.  

At the same token, when we’re not being served well, or have to wait in line or online for a long time before we get any service, how are we with the person on the other end when they’re finally talking again?  Oh, I’ve blown this one too many times in the past but am praying for a new godly way of not taking out my frustrations on the man or woman on the other end. Be kind. Be patient. Be sweet. Be faithful in little – so God can trust us with much.

  • Trash. Do you EVER throw your trash out your car window? If you’re a baptized child of God, shame on you. Do you see trash on your street as you walk around your block? Pick it up, throw it away. Or pick up stuff lying on the floor where you work. Pick it up. These are little things that show a big heart.
  • How well do you follow rules? Government rules, speed limits, stopping fully at stop signs, following your pastor’s instructions at church. Not cheating on your income tax – not even one dollar.
  • Gossip. That’s not a little thing. Too many of God’s children still talk about others in negative ways. Sing the praises of God’s children instead.
  • We know better – I hope – than to commit adultery for example… but do we push the limit by staring too long where our eyes should not be on an immodestly undressed woman? Or is that just a little thing to you? And ladies, a little thing to you perhaps, but are you showing cleavage or thigh that can cause lusts to rise up in your brothers in God’s family - - who see you in that blouse or those hot pants or short skirt? Would you dress immodestly like that if you knew Jesus was coming to see you? Would you? Well, Jesus IS seeing you! He’s IN your brothers.

So it’s not just a little thing. Immodest dress can cause a serious lust and sin in the men around you. At the beach – are you following the latest trends, ladies, and exposing your entire bottom and most of your skin? Don’t. That’s not even just a little thing.  But even in God’s church services, dressing immodestly is happening more and more. Let’s wake up and be faithful in little things!

  • One thing I really want to zero in on much more in my own life: my body and my health. Our body is the residence, the dwelling of God’s HOLY SPIRIT. In fact Father and Yeshua/Jesus are IN me and IN you (John 14:23). What kind of temple are we providing for their dwelling? Are we clean, modest, eating healthy food, exercising, and getting enough sleep?

I’m NOT referring to those of you who have been in bad accidents  

or who are getting old and infirm or are paralyzed and can’t do much for their bodies or health. I’m talking to those of us who can exercise, can move, can decide what we put into our mouths.

  • WORRYING. Jesus commands us not to worry. It means we think we are facing a problem too big for God. Worrying is not a little problem. Worrying has to stop. Instead, learn to thank God IN all our concerns (Phil 4:6-7) and FOR all our trials and all things (Eph 5:20).

ARE you getting the point? Examples of “just a little thing” -- can be endless. 

Be faithful in little things and God will be able to know how well you’ll handle the big things He has in mind for you.

The Urgency of Daily Bible Study
Brothers don’t use titles

Comments 5

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Randy Freeze on Sunday, 05 May 2024 12:31

What an insightful and thought-provoking blog post! It's incredible how often we overlook the significance of seemingly "little things" in our daily lives. Your words have truly resonated with me, prompting a deep reflection on my own actions and attitudes.

Thank you for emphasizing the importance of faithfulness in even the smallest of matters.

I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow from your wisdom. Keep sharing these valuable blogs, as they inspire and challenge us to strive for greater faithfulness and obedience in all areas of our lives.

What an insightful and thought-provoking blog post! It's incredible how often we overlook the significance of seemingly "little things" in our daily lives. Your words have truly resonated with me, prompting a deep reflection on my own actions and attitudes. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of faithfulness in even the smallest of matters. I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow from your wisdom. Keep sharing these valuable blogs, as they inspire and challenge us to strive for greater faithfulness and obedience in all areas of our lives.
Ondigo Ochieng on Friday, 10 May 2024 09:23
Faithful in Little Things

This is an amazing blog that reminds me of Hebrews 4:12. It made me meditate and ponder on myself. I love this blog for sure. I will share it with others. Thanks a lot Philip for sharing it.
Ondigo Ochieng.

This is an amazing blog that reminds me of Hebrews 4:12. It made me meditate and ponder on myself. I love this blog for sure. I will share it with others. Thanks a lot Philip for sharing it. Ondigo Ochieng.
andrew ondari on Wednesday, 03 July 2024 05:59

In life, we often focus on the big accomplishments and achievements, nurturing grand dreams and goals that we hope to achieve someday. However, we often overlook the importance of being faithful in the little things, the small tasks and responsibilities that may seem insignificant but actually lay the foundation for success in the long run.

The teaching, "Are we faithful in little things too?" serves as a powerful reminder for all of us to pay attention to the small details in our daily lives. It is easy to get carried away by the allure of success and recognition, but true character is revealed in how we handle the small, mundane tasks that come our way.

Being faithful in little things requires discipline, dedication, and a strong work ethic. It means showing up on time, giving our best effort, and completing tasks to the best of our ability, no matter how insignificant they may seem. It is in these seemingly unimportant moments that we build habits of excellence and integrity that will serve us well in the future.

Moreover, being faithful in little things is a reflection of our character and integrity. It shows that we are reliable, responsible, and trustworthy individuals who can be counted on to follow through on our commitments, no matter how small they may be. This builds credibility and respect among our peers and colleagues, setting us apart as someone who takes pride in their work and is dedicated to their craft.

As we strive for success and achievement in our lives, let us not forget the importance of being faithful in little things. It is in these small moments that we lay the foundation for greatness, building a reputation of excellence and integrity that will carry us far in our personal and professional endeavors.

In conclusion, being faithful in little things is a powerful teaching that reminds us to pay attention to the small details in our lives and to approach every task with dedication and integrity. It is through these small, seemingly insignificant moments that we build the habits and character that will lead us to success and fulfillment. Let us strive to be faithful in little things, for it is in these moments that true greatness is revealed.Thank you so much Philip,I will the sermon to my fellow brethren to get right and work as per the will of our Father.

[b]In life, we often focus on the big accomplishments and achievements, nurturing grand dreams and goals that we hope to achieve someday. However, we often overlook the importance of being faithful in the little things, the small tasks and responsibilities that may seem insignificant but actually lay the foundation for success in the long run. The teaching, "Are we faithful in little things too?" serves as a powerful reminder for all of us to pay attention to the small details in our daily lives. It is easy to get carried away by the allure of success and recognition, but true character is revealed in how we handle the small, mundane tasks that come our way. Being faithful in little things requires discipline, dedication, and a strong work ethic. It means showing up on time, giving our best effort, and completing tasks to the best of our ability, no matter how insignificant they may seem. It is in these seemingly unimportant moments that we build habits of excellence and integrity that will serve us well in the future. Moreover, being faithful in little things is a reflection of our character and integrity. It shows that we are reliable, responsible, and trustworthy individuals who can be counted on to follow through on our commitments, no matter how small they may be. This builds credibility and respect among our peers and colleagues, setting us apart as someone who takes pride in their work and is dedicated to their craft. As we strive for success and achievement in our lives, let us not forget the importance of being faithful in little things. It is in these small moments that we lay the foundation for greatness, building a reputation of excellence and integrity that will carry us far in our personal and professional endeavors. In conclusion, being faithful in little things is a powerful teaching that reminds us to pay attention to the small details in our lives and to approach every task with dedication and integrity. It is through these small, seemingly insignificant moments that we build the habits and character that will lead us to success and fulfillment. Let us strive to be faithful in little things, for it is in these moments that true greatness is revealed.Thank you so much Philip,I will the sermon to my fellow brethren to get right and work as per the will of our Father.[/b]
Ray W Smith on Saturday, 14 September 2024 13:24

Very informative and a reminder that yes, God and Jesus Christ looks at the little things just as importantly as the big things. The key is being reliable so God and Jesus Christ can use us, rely on us in the future coming Kingdom Of God....God tries the reigns of out "Hearts"....

Very informative and a reminder that yes, God and Jesus Christ looks at the little things just as importantly as the big things. The key is being reliable so God and Jesus Christ can use us, rely on us in the future coming Kingdom Of God....God tries the reigns of out "Hearts"....:)
Ray W Smith on Saturday, 14 September 2024 13:28

God tries the reigns of "Our" hearts....

God tries the reigns of "Our" hearts....:)