Fri, Nov 24, 2023
Duration: 39 mins 58 secs
In Israel and in Jewish synagogues each sabbath, a portion of the first five books of the Bible – the Torah -- is read. Then they read from the Haftorah – selected scriptures from the Prophets in their Tanakh, the Hebrew scriptures, which Christians commonly call the Old Testament. But one chapter in Isaiah is never read, though it’s definitely a prophetic book.
It’s STRIKING that there’s one chapter in particular which has been forbidden to ever be read in the synagogues. We’ll read that chapter today.
Mon, Oct 02, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 5 secs
What does the day after the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles, called the 8th day, mean? WHY is it called 8th day? What happens to everyone who never even had a chance of knowing the Christ and then died? Are there people up in heaven – or hell – right now? What makes this 8th day so special? Find out when Heaven comes to earth and what that will be like. Find out why the first resurrection is the better resurrection. Are people resurrected to spirit bodies or flesh and blood bodies – or does it depend on which resurrection? Find out and praise God.
Thu, Sep 28, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 59 secs
DO you realize how much our wonderful Father and Savior want to dwell with their people, with humans, as pictured by the Millennium and then the new heavens and earth? Do you realize how deeply this goes? The depth of His desire will amaze and humble you. Discover your vital role in letting God and Christ dwell in you and you in them.
Fri, Sep 15, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 10 mins 46 secs
Are you believing and proclaiming the one TRUE complete gospel – good news? Is The “Gospel” just the gospel of the kingdom, or just the gospel of Christ, or something else? The one correct complete gospel is so exciting, and in part 1 here we define it, using “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27), all the scriptures on it, rather than just what a group or booklet teach. Don’t be under a double curse for proclaiming or believing a wrong gospel (Gal.1:6-9). I’m hoping this teaching will start to reignite the flame for zeal for God within you. Spread the word. Also the true gospel of grace, salvation, peace, and more, which all make up the one true gospel together.
Thu, Sep 14, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 10 mins 19 secs
God's word is timeless. This teaching was first given in 2020 and we've updated the calendar dates iN THE NOTES for 2022. Please be aware of that as you watch the video. We'll also try to post a new AUDIO-only message for 2022, a more condensed version. Have a wonderful day of SHOUTS and BLASTS as we look forward to returning to Mount of Olives with our King, Yeshua/Jesus of Nazareth, Son of the Most High God. This could happen within a decade. I pray and hope so at least. Your brother in Christ, Philip.
Feast of Trumpets has been greatly misunderstood. Many believe that it pictures the day of the first resurrection, rising to meet Christ in the clouds and then – on the same day – returning to Mt. of Olives. This sermon shows how scripture does NOT actually support that impossible timing. Find out when the resurrection occurs and when Christ returns to Mt of Olives. Why is Messiah pictured returning on a cloud – but also on a horse? What does Revelation 16 show happens after the resurrection? This sermon will make you think and ponder many old assumptions.
Fri, Sep 08, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 28 mins 28 secs
Are you aware of appointments God has set with you to be with Him? Find out how Israel’s harvests and the holydays show us the order in which God will call and work to save almost everyone. Are we to keep His holydays in the New Covenant? Or have they all been done away? Do you understand that Satan is not winning the battle for souls right now? Get a good overview of the connection of God’s holydays to his plan of salvation.
Tue, Aug 29, 2023
Duration: 57 mins 24 secs
Originally given Sept 2021, reposted Sept 2023.
God's holydays are like a key that unlocks His plan of salvation for mankind and they each point to our Savior Jesus Christ. This message gives an overview of each festival through Trumpets, with emphasis on Pentecost and Trumpets. Part 2 will be focused on the last three holydays in the Fall after Trumpets. When does the resurrection to eternal life happen – on Pentecost or Trumpets? So what happens on the Feast of Blasts (often translated “Trumpets”)? Listening to this message will help you get geared up and ready for the fall Feasts that are here and excited about what lies ahead of us. Trumpets/Yom Teruah. More sermons to come on the remaining holy days.
Thu, Aug 17, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 14 mins 46 secs
Baptism. Are you still excited when you think of your own baptism? Are you seeking baptism? What should you do? What does baptism mean? Were you truly baptized? Who can baptize others? Who can lay hands on others for the Holy Spirit? When should you consider being RE-baptized? Should children or young teens be baptized? What is the meaning behind baptism?
Fri, Aug 04, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 52 secs
Is God’s spirit just the power and force of God? Or is Holy Spirit the third person of three equal persons of the Trinity, called “the triune godhead”? Doesn’t Holy Spirit intercede for us in our prayers with groanings and words that can’t be uttered (Rom 8:26-27)? Why we baptize into the name of Jesus ONLY. Find out in this teaching. WHO is actually speaking when “the Spirit said”? WHO is “the Spirit”? What’s the normal process before we can receive Holy Spirit? What are the fatal flaws of the Trinity doctrine? ALL this and so much more in this teaching.
Fri, Jun 09, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 5 secs
On Pentecost in Acts 2, God’s children were immersed into His Holy Spirit, with many more later. We think of Pentecost every time we think of receiving the Holy Spirit. What exactly is God’s Holy Spirit? Is it the third person of the Trinity? Or is Holy Spirit just God’s power, or is God’s spirit separate from Him? Or is there much more to it?
But why so often is Holy Spirit described as having personality? Is the Holy Spirit an “it” – or much more? WHY does scripture say, “the Lord is the Spirit” – 2 Cor. 3:17.