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Sat, Sep 07, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 43 secs
We know Satan really exists. He’s the Adversary, the Devil. But why on earth does God allow Satan to do all the horrible things he does? Why doesn’t God just remove Satan? What purpose can God possibly have in keeping such an evil power around? Who’s the real god of this world? What did Yeshua (Jesus) come to accomplish in regards to Satan? All that and more in this message.
Sat, Aug 17, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 44 secs
This concludes the 3 parts on identifying and defeating our Adversary. The Bible actually has a LOT to say about the Devil and his demons. In any war, we must know the Enemy and we must not be ignorant of Satan’s tactics (2 Cor. 2:11). Did God create the Devil? Where did Satan come from? How did he come to be? What is his end? HOW does he try to get openings to God’s children? We’ll answer HOW and why we have total VICTORY over the demonic world. BE READY to withstand the coming evil and vicious attacks from that evil world – and to stand (Ephesians 6:10-12), and this sermon tells us how. With God and Christ in you by their spirit, demons hate God’s children but we have power over them and complete victory.
Fri, Aug 09, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 46 secs
Satan and his demons are real. They hate you. This sermon continues the 3 parts to learn who they are and how we are victorious over them – but they’re very real. We are going to see an EXPLOSION of demonic activity in the years ahead. Be ready and don’t be caught off guard. We begin to explain Satan’s origins as Heylel (NOT as “Lucifer”), why he hates us so much, and more on how he operates. Learn how Satan and his rebellious angels attacked God in heaven and plans to again. Also – how Satan can bind people with illness and suffering and how he tempts us. Also, why we must NOT be watching demon-inspired TV shows and movies – I list some examples. What are “ghosts”? We don’t fear them, as He who is in us is much stronger than all of them put together. What’s Satan planning in the near future? It’s all revealed here. Shut the door to them
Sat, Jul 27, 2019
Duration: 53 mins 12 secs
Part 1, There’s a real battle going on in spiritual high places of which we need to be far more aware. Who is Helel, falsely translated to the Latin word “Lucifer”? Satan (meaning “Adversary”) and his fallen angels – or demons – hate you, hate your family and your destiny and will do everything they can to derail your dreams in Christ. This sermon spells out where and how so many of God’s children may be dangerously opening the door to Satan and his demons without realizing it.
Sun, Jul 07, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 34 secs
New sermon, part 2 to the Spirit in Man message about what we humans really are. Here we answer: “How does God stir people up? What happens when a loved one dies? Does anything go to God in heaven – or not? What happens when someone is resurrected from the dead? What will be going on in the first resurrection to glory and spirit life? What about Ezekiel 37 and the valley of Dry Bones? All this and more.
Sat, Jun 29, 2019
Duration: 46 mins 10 secs
Brand new sermon! What ARE you and I? Have you ever wondered what gives us LIFE? Or how God is involved in our breath or “spirit in man”? Or why humans are so different from animals, and why we have a mind and they don't’? Or what happens when we die? Does something leave us when we die and go back to God in heaven? This is part 1 of a 2 part that will explain so many things people have pondered over the years.
Sat, Jun 01, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 56 secs
Yeshua is the “I am” along with God the Father. While on earth, he made at least seven “I am” statements that explain his mission on earth, especially how it is through him that we get access to salvation, eternal life and to the Father. I pray these seven statements will help us all glorify and honor Yeshua (Jesus), even as we honor our heavenly Father.
Thu, May 09, 2019
You probably have heard of the “7 I am statements” by the Son of God. In this sermon you will pick up some valuable insights that will help you see and grasp more of the greatness of Yeshua (Jesus). Remember “I am” is a core meaning of YHVH. Seven times Yeshua says He is “I am” (along with God the Father). Since Yeshua is and was also GOD (John 1:1-3; Hebrews 1:8, etc) with the Father, these 7 I am statements will blaze a path of praise for our Savior.
Sun, Apr 21, 2019
Duration: 25 mins 26 secs
Passover season is the time that shows us more than any time how much God loves us. But could you conceive of a love God the Father has for you, a love so deep that it would equal the love he has for his perfect son Jesus Christ (Yeshua the Messiah)? Is that even possible or thinkable?
Sat, Apr 06, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 14 secs
This sermon was first given in 2018 but I thought you would find it inspiring and a good reminder before Passover. Yes, put out the physical leaven before Passover. But are we AS diligent in searching out the SPIRITUAL leaven in our hearts? I refer to the more serious leaven of hidden sins, secret sins, bad habits that don’t glorify God and areas of our lives where we need to change? Is a FAST in order to help us do a deep spiritual cleansing and spiritual deleavening? In what areas of our lives do we need to make changes? Where do we need overcoming to take place? Remember to BE ready for Passover, examine ourselves and take the Passover joyfully in a worthy manner. This sermon will help you do that.
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