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Sat, Jan 25, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 9 secs
First given in 2012, this ‘oldie-but-goodie’ will always be relevant - How effective could we be as the Body of the Messiah, if more of us had powerful, effective, answered prayer - and less of us had "hindered prayer"? Discover 7 things God's Word tells us hinder prayer.
Sat, Oct 26, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 8 secs
Summary: This is a complete re-do edit of what I posted earlier. This is the sermon I gave at the Feast of Tabernacles 2019. PLEASE hear/read this one AGAIN, even if you heard the pre-feast version I posted. What did Paul mean when he said, “When I’m weak, then I’m strong” in 2 Cor. 12:10? IF we can learn what Paul learned – and tried to teach us -- then in our times of distress, illness, pain, intense grief and suffering and worry -- we can experience the great peace of God instead. And not only that, then Yeshua will be far more evident in our lives. The points presented in this sermon are also the very points Yeshua went through to make him a complete and perfected High Priest. Those same points will help us be better priests and kings with him in the coming Millennial reign. Learn how all your suffering and pain is actually being used by God to mold you into the exact person he wants for you, and for your spectacular purpose for all eternity.
Wed, Oct 09, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 5 secs
The Day of Atonement(s) (Yom Kippurim) is a most solemn and sacred day on which NO work whatsoever is to be done. But one man worked, and worked hard. Who was he, and what does it mean? WHY was he exempted? Why did everyone else have to REST on Atonement? And did we not have our sins atoned for at Passover? So why are sins being atoned for again? How does that apply to us today? And later on, a 2nd man did some work. It has everything to do with us today. And who did the azazel (Scapegoat) point to? If you think Satan is depicted on this day… please definitely listen to this sermon. This day is NOT about Satan. This day is about the One who did take all our sins upon himself – and that surely was not Satan. It was the Son of God.
Sat, Sep 28, 2019
Duration: 56 mins 20 secs
This message is actually quite timely, as all the prophesied major earth-changing events will happen just before Christ returns. Most will soon be observing Feast of Trumpets/Blasts (Yom Teruah), picturing Christ and his elect Bride landing on the Mt of Olives and taking over rulership of the world. All the events mentioned in this sermon will happen first. There’s a lot of talk about “climate change” and how man is causing “global warming” and raised C02 levels, but this sermon shows you what GOD says in his Word. Indeed there are coming earth-shaking and life-threatening events from the sky and on the earth beyond our imagination.
Sat, Sep 07, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 43 secs
We know Satan really exists. He’s the Adversary, the Devil. But why on earth does God allow Satan to do all the horrible things he does? Why doesn’t God just remove Satan? What purpose can God possibly have in keeping such an evil power around? Who’s the real god of this world? What did Yeshua (Jesus) come to accomplish in regards to Satan? All that and more in this message.
Sat, Aug 17, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 44 secs
This concludes the 3 parts on identifying and defeating our Adversary. The Bible actually has a LOT to say about the Devil and his demons. In any war, we must know the Enemy and we must not be ignorant of Satan’s tactics (2 Cor. 2:11). Did God create the Devil? Where did Satan come from? How did he come to be? What is his end? HOW does he try to get openings to God’s children? We’ll answer HOW and why we have total VICTORY over the demonic world. BE READY to withstand the coming evil and vicious attacks from that evil world – and to stand (Ephesians 6:10-12), and this sermon tells us how. With God and Christ in you by their spirit, demons hate God’s children but we have power over them and complete victory.
Fri, Aug 09, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 46 secs
Satan and his demons are real. They hate you. This sermon continues the 3 parts to learn who they are and how we are victorious over them – but they’re very real. We are going to see an EXPLOSION of demonic activity in the years ahead. Be ready and don’t be caught off guard. We begin to explain Satan’s origins as Heylel (NOT as “Lucifer”), why he hates us so much, and more on how he operates. Learn how Satan and his rebellious angels attacked God in heaven and plans to again. Also – how Satan can bind people with illness and suffering and how he tempts us. Also, why we must NOT be watching demon-inspired TV shows and movies – I list some examples. What are “ghosts”? We don’t fear them, as He who is in us is much stronger than all of them put together. What’s Satan planning in the near future? It’s all revealed here. Shut the door to them
Sat, Jul 27, 2019
Duration: 53 mins 12 secs
Part 1, There’s a real battle going on in spiritual high places of which we need to be far more aware. Who is Helel, falsely translated to the Latin word “Lucifer”? Satan (meaning “Adversary”) and his fallen angels – or demons – hate you, hate your family and your destiny and will do everything they can to derail your dreams in Christ. This sermon spells out where and how so many of God’s children may be dangerously opening the door to Satan and his demons without realizing it.
Sun, Jul 07, 2019
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 34 secs
New sermon, part 2 to the Spirit in Man message about what we humans really are. Here we answer: “How does God stir people up? What happens when a loved one dies? Does anything go to God in heaven – or not? What happens when someone is resurrected from the dead? What will be going on in the first resurrection to glory and spirit life? What about Ezekiel 37 and the valley of Dry Bones? All this and more.
Sat, Jun 29, 2019
Duration: 46 mins 10 secs
Brand new sermon! What ARE you and I? Have you ever wondered what gives us LIFE? Or how God is involved in our breath or “spirit in man”? Or why humans are so different from animals, and why we have a mind and they don't’? Or what happens when we die? Does something leave us when we die and go back to God in heaven? This is part 1 of a 2 part that will explain so many things people have pondered over the years.
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