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Fri, Jan 15, 2021
Duration: 52 mins 8 secs
WHY was 2020 so wild all around the world? And why in 2020 and not some other year? This is a good review of the many shocking events of 2020 – and what we are to learn from it. Has God begun the promised “shaking of the earth and heaven” of Hebrews 12:26-27?
Sat, Dec 26, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 6 secs
NOTHING is more vital than daily frequent prayer, but what do you do when you don’t feel like praying; aren’t motivated? Why does that happen from time to time? How do we turn prayer into a joyful experience and that is effective? We can’t afford to be lukewarm in our prayer life in these last days. Find out how to spice up your prayer times.
Sat, Dec 05, 2020
Duration: 47 mins 52 secs
We’re living in the most exciting “Bible days” ever. God still sends his holy angels to serve, protect and encourage his children when needed. Hear the angel stories of those who have met angels in the past few years.
Mon, Nov 02, 2020
Duration: 47 mins 36 secs
We normally expect God to speak and work through “His” people, like “church people”, believers, His prophets and ministers and “good people”. But this 2-part sermon will show you how God often chooses to work with people we would LEAST expect, from totally unexpected sources, to his glory. In the coming years especially, we’re going to miss a LOT of God’s revelations and recognize where God is working if we discount people and places we’re least expecting. Enjoy the messages. Let me know what you think.
Tue, Oct 06, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 36 secs
I gave this sermon originally in November 2014, six years ago, but its message is timeless. It's important to understand why God calls his children "living stones" and not "living bricks". YHVH is forming those who will be part of his kingdom. How are stones different from bricks? Why did YHVH forbid the use of bricks in his altars and temple? The answers will inspire you and help you appreciate your unique and high, high calling from God Most High. This is a very timely Feast of Tabernacles message too.
Fri, Sep 25, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 54 secs
This teaching is all about praising Yeshua, our Messiah-Redeemer and how his life and sacrifice was a full and complete atoning of our sins. I originally gave this in 2016. Everything about the day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is spotlighted right on Yeshua and on him alone. HE is our atonement. HE is our Redeemer. HE is the one who takes all our sins upon himself. This message may be a major shift for some of you but I hope with the careful use of scriptural backing that you will all end up praising Yeshua for his total and sole position as our Atonement in every respect. Learn how Satan has wormed his way into this most sacred of holydays and how we, God’s children, aren’t fooled by him.
Sat, Aug 08, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 58 secs
The pure in heart will see God – so will you and I see God? In this sermon we cover: What is one’s “heart” spiritually? What does a “pure heart” look like? How and when do we get a pure heart? Can we purify our own hearts? Can someone with a pure heart still sin in this life? What kind of heart do we naturally have? Is our present new heart still hostile to God, deceitful and desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9) – or is it entirely different from that? How do we get a strong, gorgeous, pure heart? Enjoy!
Thu, Jul 23, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 56 secs
This timeless message is a reposting of a sermon originally given in 2013, but we know it will inspire you and help you see yourself and others in a wonderful light. Yahweh made promises and covenant with Abraham and his children. Who are Abraham's children today? Can Yahweh also call Gentiles (non-Israelites by birth) "My people"? Why are there no gates in heavenly Jerusalem named after any Gentiles? Are Gentiles able to be part of the covenant with Abraham and Israel -- or does that depend on where you are born? Or has Yahweh rejected Israel in favor of Gentiles instead?
Sat, Jul 18, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins
WHO are the "children of God" and the real "children of Abraham"? Are Gentiles "2nd class citizens" of the Kingdom? How do Gentiles fit into all the promises made to Abraham and to Israel? Is YHVH the God of the Gentiles too, or just Israel? Are all Jews automatically part of the new covenant people of God? When, according to scripture, can a natural-born Jew not be a Jew? How does one become known as a "child of God" or a "son of Abraham"? You'll hear all this and more in this first of 2-part teaching.
Sat, Jun 27, 2020
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 44 secs
This lesson from good friend/elder Jeff Niccum in WA state, was first posted 10 years ago and again 3 years ago, but you’ll enjoy it today. This message ties in very nicely with my 3 part series on The Wedding of the Lamb. In this sermon, you’ll get a great GLIMPSE into the heavenly Jerusalem and more. God exists in eternity. There was nothing but the spirit dimension prior to the physical creation. Will the physical creation last forever, or will the reality of the universe revert back to only the spirit dimension? Is the physical creation the means to an end - and if so, what end? Based on clues from scripture, this message is a thought-provoking and fun hypothesis to ponder. This message also includes an intriguing analysis of the new Jerusalem. Enjoy.
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