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Sat, Apr 09, 2022
Duration: 27 mins 38 secs
This teaching 39 mins. This teaching brings up some things we – as the Body and Bride of Christ – may be wise to be considering prior to Passover especially. How vital it is to take Passover? Is Christ’s body today really one – or fragmented? Are you helping gather or are you scattering God’s children? Are some over-emphasizing knowledge and doctrine and distancing from others who aren’t fully on the same page? And do we focus on a deep, close relationship with God and Jesus/Yeshua - or just knowledge and information? What may be hindering dramatic healings in regard to Passover and Christ’s body? Passover focuses on Yeshua/Jesus and our Father to their glory.
Sat, Apr 02, 2022
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 2 secs
How precious and awesome is the Passover season to you? In this talk, we compare New Testament and Old Testament Passovers, and deeply appreciating God’s love as shown by Passover. How much does God love you? Do you see the Passover as something personal for you? What Yeshua said we should focus on in our Passovers…and more.
Sat, Mar 12, 2022
Duration: 1 hr 11 mins 4 secs
We all know about God’s indescribable grace and favor for us when we repent. But be sure you realize God conditions his forgiveness on a very, very important prerequisite. I cannot over emphasize this point. Is there anyone you are holding a grudge against or want to strike with your vengeance? Is there anyone you won’t forgive fully from your heart? Are there people you want nothing to do with? Find out what Jesus says about this that affects God’s willingness to forgive us and why.
Sat, Jan 15, 2022
Duration: 48 mins 1 sec
We all mess up. We all sin from time to time. But is there redemption for those who really badly mess up or whose life is in a total tailspin? Will they be accepted back to fellowship? Will God ever be able to use them if their sins are of the worst possible kinds?
Sat, Dec 11, 2021
Duration: 59 mins 58 secs
We talk a lot about the MEN of the Bible. Today I feel inspired to talk about a WOMAN who I believe may well be the greatest woman in the Bible – Mary, the one whom God Most High personally hand-picked to bear and raise his Son. What a calling! What responsibility! But Mary handled it all with grace and humility, and has a lot to teach us, which I cover. Plus I discuss some seriously wrong doctrines and dogmas about Mary that simply are not Biblical. I hope you enjoy and grow from lessons Mary can teach us as we peek into Mary’s life.
Sun, Dec 05, 2021
Duration: 43 mins 20 secs
God loves hearing us talk to one another and REWARDS that. Learn how in this teaching. I emphasize “talk.” So many never do that anymore, but just text or email, but GOD loves hearing our voice and so do our loved ones. How important talking to one another is, in God’s view. We cover: WHY we need to be talking and communicating with one another, how we do it, what not to do, how we get more involved in church services, and much more. This topic is more important than it might first seem.
Thu, Aug 26, 2021
Duration: 49 mins 21 secs
What is happening to America and Britain? And why? The leading tribes of Israel were the 2 sons of Joseph – Ephraim and Manasseh. Where are they today? Could America really be omitted from prophecy, while Egypt, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Syria, Persia (Iran) are mentioned by name? See how God’s curses have started on a nation that kicked God out of the social discourse, from the government, from schools, etc. I also discuss what each of us needs to be doing about it all.
Sun, Jun 06, 2021
Duration: 58 mins 40 secs
Are you really a child of God? Our Savior says one of the signs people can tell we are God’s children is that we love our enemies, and bless them and pray for them. Is that a “must” though? Are we doing it? This teaching examines all that – plus shows the way “HOW” to do this difficult assignment.
Sat, Apr 03, 2021
Duration: 59 mins 52 secs
We know God wins over Satan. Why don’t WE more often feel victorious? Whose victory is it – God’s, or ours? Understanding the real meaning of this last day of Unleavened Bread. Thrill to the Hebrew word picture behind “YHVH”. This sermon is full of tidbits you may not have known or heard before.
Sat, Mar 20, 2021
Duration: 40 mins 4 secs
Many experience problems, trials, distractions and discouragements just before Passover. In this message hear how we must go on the attack against our Adversary, especially at this time, and be sure to come to Passover with the right frame of mind, with solemn joy and eager to participate in the bread and wine of our Lord.
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