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Wed, Oct 12, 2016
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 52 secs
We know God is holy, righteous, perfect, majestic. Can God also be fun? What does He like to do, what IS He like? And when we are spirit like Him, what abilities and powers will we have? We hope this inspires especially young people to see your future with God in new light.
Sat, Oct 01, 2016
Series: Prophecy
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 6 secs
Are you excited about eternity and life as a spirit being in the resurrection? Or are you not so sure you want to live forever? When we're changed to spirit, what will our lives be like? Will it be fun? We know God is holy - - but is God fun? Will we enjoy eternity with Him? What do spirit beings do? Whether you're a teenager or a 92 year old, this message can rekindle your excitement about what God is offering you - as we explore your soon-coming life in the SPIRIT world!
Fri, Sep 09, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 4 secs
Whether you’re a man or woman, I promise you – you will gain some inspiring insights into man-woman by this sermon. We decided to start with Christ and how he treated women, rather than start with the traditional passages in Ephesians, etc. We are to have HIS mind and be more and more like Him – in all areas. Which social taboos and rules did He break and ignore to show the way women should be treated? How did He treat repentant women of ill repute? How did He use women to spread the gospel in their own unique way? What areas can we perhaps change and grow in – as we see our Example before us? There’s also a lot in here about being single – and what YHVH ways to single men and women. Enjoy!
Sat, Aug 27, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 13 mins 16 secs
FREE the Holy Spirit to work in your fellowship. Is the true living God in religion? Did He ever form a religion? Or is he after relationship? Is the Holy Spirit free-flowing and actively working in your fellowship group and in your life? Do you hear the Shepherd’s voice (John 10:27)? Are you and your group led by the Holy Spirit? Do you see the gifts of the spirit at work in every member? What are your gifts of the spirit and are you allowed to use your gifts to edify your fellowship – or is that role exclusive to ordained ministers? This and much more in this intriguing message.
Sat, Aug 06, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 13 mins 38 secs
What is God’s greatest miracle? Amazingly enough, it includes you and me and many more. Are you a partner in God’s miracle? Do we have the mind of Christ in the various ways he demonstrates this miracle? What did Yeshua say brings him so much joy – and why? Do you experience the same joy for the same reasons? May this teaching bless you as our Father calls more and more to his family.
Sat, Jul 09, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 11 mins 21 secs
This sermon will give great hope to those of you who have concluded you are beyond “change” – and that you’re incorrigible. This message will also challenge others of you and rock you to your core to check the amount of real love of God that flows in your heart and soul. This sermon is about the love of Christ and our Father for ALL humanity – and the same love that should be evident in the true family of God as well in simple and practical ways. Are some people too bad to ever truly change? And do some people have histories so bad – even if God is working with them – to ever accept them into the fellowship of the Body of Christ? Could God call, change and save anyone willing to heed His call to repentance? Or are there some people so bad that not even God will want to bother with them? But if HE bothers with them, shouldn’t we also? This message could change your life. If this message touches your heart – please pass it on to others you know who would benefit from the message.
Sat, Jun 11, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 14 secs
If you know someone going through fiery trials, or if you are, you can really benefit from this message. WHY do God’s children have so many tests of their faith? Why so many trials and tests? How do we defeat doubt, worry and anxiety? What are the biggest reasons for testing our faith? How do we come to a perfect peace in the storm? Are we sure we even have true faith? All this and more in this part 2 message. Please be sure to listen to part 1 first.
Fri, May 27, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 17 secs
Would you – and others – describe yourself as a person of great faith and peace? Have you learned what is God’s #1 end-goal reason for making so many go through prolonged pain, trials and testing? Find out in this message. Everything spiritual is by faith. Our salvation is by grace through faith. We are to live by faith, all the time. With the coming times of worst trouble the world has ever seen, our faith needs to be tested, refined and ready for the return of Christ
Sat, Apr 16, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 27 secs
What is the most important and critical time and place you have each day? Do you treat it as being so vital by giving it significant time and attention each day? This message may help you pray more. Do you have a regular private place of prayer? Does the evidence show God’s children are not praying enough?
Thu, Mar 31, 2016
Duration: 1 hr 15 mins 2 secs
Luke 17:1-5 Seven times. What would you say is a central lesson of the Passover that we are to APPLY in our lives? What made the disciples exclaim “Lord, increase our faith” when they heard what Yeshua/Jesus said? You may think you’re good at this lesson – but you may find out there’s still room for lots of growth after hearing what God says in His word.
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