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Mon, Apr 16, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 11 mins 15 secs
In the time between the first Passover and Pentecost, YHVH gushed water from the Rock after it was smitten. Forty years later, He does it again but this time Moses is told to SPEAK to the Rock. Why the difference? Why were Israel’s elders on the rock with Moses the first time, and not the second time? Why did Moses’ disbelief in this instance keep him from entering the Promised Land? And what does all this have to do with us today? Originally posted in 2014, this timeless message will make you ponder a lot of things in your relationship with our Father and Yeshua.
Sat, Apr 07, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 7 secs
After Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, ask yourself: “How FEROCIOUSLY am I fighting what’s wrong in my life, the sins I have allowed to remain in me?” What happens if we don’t root them out? What drastic actions are you willing to take? HOW do we gain the victory over sins that have plagued us all our lives? Is it even possible to be rid of all sin in this life? What warnings does our God give us about cohabiting with unconquered sin? What’s the path to sure victory? All this and more in today’s sermon.
Mon, Apr 02, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 1 sec
Given originally in 2014, this message is timeless, especially if you focus on the last half of the sermon. Three days and 3 night after Christ’s death, he rose again, and then ascended to heaven “on the first of the weeks" after Yeshua's crucifixion. Our Messiah ascended as the Wavesheaf offering, sanctifying the rest of the harvest of souls so that WE could be accepted by Father. Wavesheaf day is not a holyday, but IS a significant day. Learn about the exciting meaning of Wavesheaf day. Also learn exactly when Yeshua's (Jesus) resurrection took place. Any modern dates given in this message applied to 2014, but you’ll get the important points. Philip
Sat, Mar 17, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs
This is a re-post of the timeless message of the Pre-Passover sermon of April 2014. This message is not only about Yeshua's blood, but also about Father's love, whose idea it was to find a way to wash away ALL our sins in the blood of His Word, who became flesh - Yeshua (Jesus). You'll appreciate the crimson thread of the promise of the blood of Christ woven through scripture. You'll need the printed notes to see the diagrams, signs and photo as you hear the audio. I'm sorry I spoke so fast to get thru it all. See what the camp of Israel looked like from the air. Hear something intriguing about Golgotha. Be inspired by the "hidden-in-plain sight" message the pagan Pilate put over the head of our Messiah. . . and much, much more. Embrace Father's love. Receive our Savior's loving sacrifice, amen.
Fri, Mar 09, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 41 secs
Passover and the spring holydays will soon be upon us. Are you ready? Do you have to get ready? Don’t let Passover sneak up on you without a lot of thought. Or are you missing our Father’s and our Beloved Yeshua’s love for us because we’re listening to Satan’s messages of unworthiness and failure? May you be blessed in your Passover preparation with this message of our God’s great love for you. Hallelujah! Praise our loving God and review how to have your best Passover ever.
Sat, Mar 03, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins 58 secs
This timeless message (2 parts) is a re-post from 2014, and a great way to prepare for Passover. We discuss the 2 sides of Passover: the incredible love of God as well as the incredible severity of God (Romans 11:22). Why does it take so much innocent blood to be shed in order to forgive sin? We explain. In Part 1 - we also introduce the beginning of "the crimson thread" throughout scripture pointing to the coming Messiah. For example, why did Isaac carry the wood to his own sacrifice? When was our Savior sacrificed - at least in God's mind? Also we go in depth into the many things our dear Father provides for us through the blood of His Son, the Christ (it's much, much more than just being forgiven of our sins). This sermon ends with us beginning to explore the nuances of Exodus 12. (To be continued in part 2).
Sat, Feb 17, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 11 mins 3 secs
You know the greatest command is to love God with all your being. But now, have you fallen in love with Yeshua (Jesus)? Have you thought of such intimacy with your Redeemer? How does one fall in love with Him? Do you express your love, in these clear terms? I hope you find this to be a deeper element of coming to know your God and Savior.
Sat, Feb 03, 2018
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 56 secs
John Goddard famously made a list of 127 life goals, most of which he fulfilled. What did Apostle Pau say were HIS greatest life goals? What are yours? This sermon reveals our greatest quest – according to YHVH, Yeshua and Paul. Plus we discuss HOW to accomplish this quest. Yeshua says that this goal is what eternal life is all about. And God Most High says this is the goal He says is worth glorying about. Find out in this very important message
Sat, Dec 23, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 17 secs
Many of God’s children attend their church but don’t actively contribute to the growth of the body. Do you feel like you’re a contributing part of the Body of Christ? What IS your part? Do you know what gifts you’ve been given by the Holy Spirit? Are you using those gifts to help the Body grow in love? This teaching will help crystalize these concepts for you – for you surely do have a part to play, services to render and things to do in the sacred body of Christ.
Sat, Nov 25, 2017
Duration: 1 hr 14 mins 51 secs
DON’T look back! “Remember Lot’s wife” Luke 17:32. This is such an important topic. Looking back can definitely affect your future. I believe most believers break Christ’s command from time to time not to do what Lot’s wife did. WE, like Lot’s wife, are warned not to look back. WE are warned to remember Lot’s wife. Find out some of the ways you may have never even thought of – on how we look back. What should we do instead? What does looking back show us and show God about us? What are the main ways we look back? Hear of God’s wonderful gift about this topic as well.
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