
Fri, Sep 02, 2011

Guarding Holiness

Without being a partaker of God's own holiness we won't see God (Heb. 12:10, 14). There are many misconceptions about holiness. What does "holy" mean? Why is it important? Whose holiness counts? How does one become holy? Were there more than one messiah? Can someone unconverted be holy? Is God still filling His temple on earth with His glory? What's the meaning of the two kingdoms at war in Rebekah and what that means for us? Why Samson lost his strength when he broke one Nazirite vow but not when he broke the other Nazirite vows. Guarding and cherishing the holiness we've been given is the focus of the last third of the sermon.
Duration:1 hr 18 mins 39 secs
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