By Philip W. Shields on Friday, 17 July 2015
Category: Light on the Rock Blogs

END-TIME events are heating up

Don’t be the frog in the heating pot of water

Wow, what can I say?  I just hope everyone who believes in our Messiah coming soon and looks for that day – can look past the horrible news of the last few days and months and look to our Redemption appearing in the clouds above us.

You all know the story of the frog in the pot of water that is gradually heating up.  Because the water doesn’t immediately start boiling, the frog gets used to the ever warmer water – until it finally is boiled alive. Sometimes I feel too many Christians are like that frog.  Prophetic world events are clearly heating up but I don’t see/hear many believers talking about it much. A few minutes on their Facebook pages show they’re much more interested in a thousand other things rather than on the return of the King of kings. 

Look at some of what’s been happening:

Click at the bottom right -- “Continue reading” – to learn a few more of the things we see happening as we come to end time leading to Christ’s return. How close are we? What should we be doing? 

What should we do?  This is not a time for just having a lot of fun and partying.  It’s time to be fasting, praying, and seeing our God as never before. It’s a time to be praying for our nation, for our collective forgiveness – as Daniel did in Daniel 9.  It’s a time to be beseeching our Abba to be merciful to a nation that has forgotten him.  It’s important that we are separating the good from the bad in our lives.  When Abba looks upon you, he sees you drawing a clear line between the holy and unholy things in life. 

It’s time.  It’s time to be aware the pot of water is heating up – and it’s time for this frog to get out of the pot on to safer ground.  That safer ground is to be found under the wings of our dear Creator and Father.  Seek him with all your heart.  Pray several times a day. Study his word every single day.  Talk to others about our great Savior.  Spread the good news of our salvation through Christ and that He is coming back soon to rule this world.  And PRAY for God’s protective cover to be given especially over His children. Pray for protection. Carrying your own gun might make you feel safer, but real safety will be in your relationship with your Master. 

Though it’s simply prudent to take steps to get out of debt, to have a reserve fund that would pay for expenses for 5-6 months, and to have a pantry-full supply of food and water on hand – those things, including your home and land, can be confiscated.  Mark my word:  they will be someday. They won’t save you. But they’re prudent steps nonetheless in the short-term.  What will save you and me is our relationship with our Father and our Savior.  

I don’t think we’ll see Christ here in the next few years.  But it will be soon. And our own end could be a heartbeat away. So it is vital we be close to our Redeemer at all times. 

We’re watching the stage being set very carefully and completely for the end time events, right before our very eyes.  Let’s be fully awake, aware and doing all we can to be ready for whatever our dear Father leads us to do in His service in these end time years.  

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