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Sat, Nov 07, 2020
We normally expect God to speak and work through “His” people, like “church people”, believers, His prophets and ministers. This 2-part sermon will show you how God often chooses to work with people we would LEAST expect, to his glory. In the coming years especially, we’re going to miss a LOT of God’s revelations and won’t recognize where God is working if we discount people and places God chooses to use. Also covered: how to discern a true or false prophet. Enjoy the messages. Feel free to comment.
Mon, Sep 28, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 33 secs
Today I focus on why the Day of Atonement is such a POSITIVE day. So much happens and will happen on this day. It’s about focusing on our Atonement in all respects – Yeshua – as he leads the nations in the future and God’s people now – to repentance, forgiveness and walking in God’s way. You won’t hear a lot about Satan here, and thank God for that.
Fri, Sep 25, 2020
Duration: 43 mins 5 secs
How do you “see” God? Is he super formal all the time? Can God be fun? This message shares a few scriptures and insights showing other sides of our wonderful Abba. Enjoy.
Fri, Sep 11, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 14 mins 10 secs
Should God’s children vote? Or are we to distance ourselves from anything political? Or could standing on the sidelines in 2020 actually bring God’s displeasure? Some of the things we bring out in today’s teaching may surprise some of you. I also cover the typical reasons conservative believers give for not voting. This is the most critical time in our country since the Civil War. The video will have a lot more graphics and information in it than just the audio.
Sat, Sep 05, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 14 mins 55 secs
Do we live each day deeply aware that we’re in constant spirit battles? How are you doing with those battles? This sermon continues where Part 1 left off and shows WHY this topic is so important and then HOW we attain the victory and overcome our old sinful habits and any temptation displeasing to God. We’ve been called to win, not just fight.
Fri, Aug 28, 2020
Duration: 49 mins 26 secs
Paul said, “I have fought the good fight” at the end of his life. What was he talking about? Do you realize you’re in the fight of your life? Are we even aware and conscious of the ongoing battle, day by day? Do we practically see and hear the enemy’s barrage coming in -- or are we so asleep that we feel everything’s OK? Are you a soldier in Christ’s army fighting the enemy? I hope this to be a wake-up call to get in the fight much more that we’ve been called to fight.
Sat, Jul 25, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 13 mins 5 secs
: America and the world is at a tipping point. This year 2020 could be a major turning point in world history as God removes his hedge of protection around the USA. The elections in November could result in riots and worse – though we pray for peace and God’s protection. We continue the theme of understanding our times – and then what God’s children are supposed to be doing about it all.
Sat, Jul 11, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 47 secs
A very important sermon topic. Though we’re not a part of this age or this world, our God does want his children to understand the times in which we live. Too many don’t care and say “What will be, will be” and go on their merry way. So we’re starting a 2 part sermon. Part 1 – Seeing how we’re at a definite “a tipping point” time in our countries, and some examples of that. Part 2 will be what we are to do about it. It’s essential we not just be bystanders.
Sun, Jun 28, 2020
Duration: 56 mins 3 secs
This completes the 3-part series on The Wedding. You’ve been called to be a first-hand witness to the grandest Wedding the universe will ever see. You may be called even to be part of the Bride. But WHEN does all this take place? The Bible gives pretty strong hints on WHEN the Son of God’s wedding will be – and it’s not in the Fall. We explore all that today. I suggest using the video AND the notes, as each adds to the other.
Sat, Jun 20, 2020
Duration: 55 mins 27 secs
WHY are we discussing this now? Find out. WHO will be in the wedding? How can humans marry the Son of God? Who will all be in the wedding? How many will be in the wedding? Who are the guests? Who are the virgins? Who are the 144,000 and Great Innumerable Multitude of Revelation 7? Are they also part of the Bride of Christ? We’ll discuss all this and much more as we look to the joy set before us, as Yeshua did.
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