By Philip W. Shields on Saturday, 06 October 2012
Category: Light on the Rock Blogs

I Can’t Wait for the New Administration!

We’re just a few weeks away from the US presidential elections.  Many Senators and Representatives are also up for re-election.  The news media almost seems unaware of any other news in the country or around the world as everyone focuses on who will lead the next administration.  I can’t wait for the new administration either.  But we who are of the heavenly Jerusalem do not overly focus on whether the next president is President Obama or Governor Mitt Romney.  Our focus is like Abraham’s:  focusing on the city whose builder and maker is God (Hebrews 11:8-10).  I’m not discussing in this blog whether we should vote or not.  I’m just reminding us all that our excitement comes from visualizing and anticipating and praying for King Yeshua to come and lead the true next administration, and not just in the USA, but for the whole world.  Let’s check our hearts.  Let’s focus on Him. Delight in Him. Believe in Him.  Put all your hope and confidence in Him, for surely, flesh and blood leaders will disappoint.  King Jesus won’t.  He’s our real hope, our confidence and our constant prayer.

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