By Philip W. Shields on Sunday, 23 December 2012
Category: Light on the Rock Blogs

Encouragement in your “wilderness” times of life.

Many people, at various times in their lives, feel like they're all alone, away from "civilization" and friends and family. The Wilderness is actually where so many of God’s people find God. It’s in your wilderness times that you will often look back and see that’s when you grew spiritually.  Your wilderness times of your life can be the very moments when Yehovah can shine in your life as no other. One of the sermons on this website that receives a lot of comment, a lot of people getting inspiration, is the sermon I gave on "Your Wilderness Times", recorded in June 2012. I feel led in my spirit to recommend it. Someone out there needs this message.  You can go to June 2012 and download it. You can also put these messages on your iPod or smart phones.  Here’s the link:

On our website, be sure to pull down the tab titled "Audio Messages and Transcripts".  Check out all the sermon titles going back to 2004. There are more than 160 timeless sermons I’ve recorded and several from Jeff Niccum.  But for now, I recommend this “Wilderness” sermon. You’ll be encouraged by it. Let others know about it if you feel this message has helped you. Yehovah bless you and shine His blessings on you.

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