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Passover, kept by the first Christians too, is coming up real soon near mid April. We have many sermons and blogs about Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, which picture Christ’s perfect life. World events are moving powerfully. Watch our sermons on prophecy that will be posted March-April as well. And we all must wake up. Jesus said ALL TEN of the Ten Virgins of Matthew 25 were slumbering.
Use the Search Bar, and type in just one or two words, to find a topic you wish to read or watch. There’s a good chance we’ll have sermons or blogs on it. And thank you all who have sent us funds to help our very, very needy brethren in Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi to have a good place to meet and learn more about God and His Way. If you wish to donate, just go to the Donate button at the top. We thank you so much.
Host and Founder, Philip Shields.
(Please scroll down to see new sermons in video, audio and new blogs)
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You will receive a confirmation email sent to the email address you used to register. Once you have confirmed your email address is correct, you will need to log into Light on the Rock by clicking on the Sign In button on the top menu. Once you are logged in, your username will be displayed in the top menu.
To leave a comment for a blog, click on the Continue reading square button. The entire blog will be displayed along with any comments. Below the comments section is the comments form where you can submit your own comment.
To view all of the Light on the Rock Audio sermons, click here, to view the entire list of the Video Sermons, click here and to view all of the Blogs, click here. Light on the Rock has over 420 Audio & Video Sermons and over 480 Blogs, with new content constantly being added.