Holy Days of God: 2025 Observance Dates

Remember that God’s days begin at sundown the day before. So the seventh day sabbath on “Saturday”, actually begins the sundown before, at Friday sundown and ends at Saturday sundown. That is the sabbath – “from evening to evening.”  Remember Genesis 1 – each creation day began with “the evening” before.

ALL of the dates given below will actually officially begin at sundown just before the actual holyday date. These rabbinical calendar dates CHANGE EACH YEAR.

** Passover SERVICE   April 11, 2025 EVENING.  Jesus’ last Supper was on the eve of Passover day, when he was crucified at 3 pm. The FOOT WASHING, BREAD AND WINE SERVICE  will be April 11, FRIDAY NIGHT, shortly after sundown, on the eve of Passover DAY, which is April 12.  Passover day is 14th of Abib/Nisan of the Hebrew calendar.

The first DAY of Unleavened Bread begins at sundown of April 12, Saturday night, customarily a special meal. NO leavened products should be in the homes.

**FIRST HOLYDAY OF UNLEAVENED BREAD -   SUNDAY April 13. Is the 15th of Abib or Nisan.  Holyday services.  The seven days of Unleavened Bread – BEGIN April 12 at sundown and end at sundown April 19 eating only unleavened bread products with meals.

** PENTECOST  HOLY DAY OBSERVED ON SUNDAY,  June 1, 2025, beginning at sundown May 31 and ends at sundown June 1. We do NOT keep wrong Jewish Sivan 6 date. 

** FEAST OF TRUMPETS, Yom Teruah (Day of shouts and blasts)    Sept 23, 2025.

HOLYDAY service September 23, TUESDAY,  starting at sundown night before.

** DAY OF ATONEMENT,  day of fasting, October 2, 2025 Thursday.

Fast from sundown Oct 1 through sundown Oct 2.  Most fast with no water, no food 24 hours. Those who MUST eat something if they’re taking medicines, may do so with a tiny amount of food and water.

 ** FEAST OF TABERNACLES, (FOT),  Sukkot. A feast of seven days. Holyday Oct 7, 2025

Day 1 is a holy day WITH church services on Tuesday Oct 7. FOT continues through Oct 13. Most of our congregations have church services each of the 7 days.

** “8TH DAY” after the FEAST OF TABERNACLES, October 14, 2025, on Tuesday. 

This is a separate holy day. Have church services.  We do not call it “Last Great Day’  but the Biblical name “8th day”  (Leviticus 23:36,39).