Every year after the Feast, people talk about where they went for the Feast, who they ran into, what the messages and sermons were like – and what they saw.  It’s natural – especially if that was your first time to the Oregon coast or to Jekyll Island or Destin, FL or wherever you went.  During the feast, many of us will plan our schedules to make sure we see the “must see” places while we’re at a particular Feast site.  Read on, to be sure you visit, see and often go to -- the one “absolutely must visit” site during your Feast – or you will have indeed missed out.  

After the sermons, in all our hustle and bustle, dining out, sightseeing and all the “doing” we do at Feast of Booths, don’t miss the #1 site of all:  the throne of our Father and Jesus Christ, or Yeshua as I call Him. Let’s be sure we are making and taking the time to pray more than we usually do. Let’s be sure we are taking the time to praise, worship and thank YHVH for still being able to meet peacefully and safely. That’s the #1 destination site, regardless of where you’re keeping Yahweh’s feasts:  HIS presence, His throne, His heavenly Jerusalem.  Let’s not forget the core reasons we are at the Feast: to worship the King of the Universe—our very own Father and His Son, to learn to fear to disobey Him, to learn to worship and praise Him.  

Remember, as I pointed out in a recent sermon, the gates of the temple mysteriously opened every day after Christ died – from 30 AD to 70 AD.  Perhaps father was saying, “Come, all whom I call – please come.  My Son has made it possible for all of you to come before me, in Him, through Him, and in His name.  Come before me. It’s no longer just the priests or high priest who can come in my presence. Come in, the gates are open now in and through my Son.”

King David wanted nothing more than to be in Yahweh’s presence, to stand in His courts, to sing to His name, to acknowledge His presence. We too can stand and visit – in spirit – the heavenly courts of heavenly Jerusalem. Take the time, make the daily journey.

Psalm 135:2-3
2 You who stand in the house of YHVH, in the courts of the house of our God, 
3 Praise YHVH, for YHVH is good; Sing praises to His name, for it is pleasant.

Psalm 96:7-9
7 Give to YHVH, O families of the peoples; give to YHVH glory and strength. 
8 Give to YHVH the glory due His name; bring an offering, and come into His courts. 
9 Oh, worship YHVH in the beauty of holiness! Tremble before Him, all the earth.

Psalm 100
Make a joyful shout to YHVH, all you lands! 
2 Serve YHVH with gladness; Come before His presence with singing. 
3 Know that YHVH, He is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; 
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. 
5 For YHVH is good; His mercy is everlasting,
And His truth endures to all generations.

Enjoy visiting this awesome destination. What an honor.  Rejoice greatly before our awesome Abba and our King Yeshua.  Have a blessed, happy, spirit-rich, spirit-filled, anointed Feast.