Wounded Warriors Project


I watched on TV with dismay and I felt painful jabs in my heart.  What was causing this anguish?

Please click on this site:  https://support.woundedwarriorproject.org/default.aspx?tsid=93 

Wounded Warrior Project: it’s a great way to show our wounded men and women that they have a country behind them who appreciate and love them. Thousands are coming home with traumatic brain injuries. Many have lost an arm or a leg. I watched on TV how one man, blinded by a blast, was led around his home by his 10 year old daughter. Let’s not forget these brothers and sisters.  I can’t imagine what they’ve experienced, what their thoughts were before and during the trauma they went through, or what they’re going through now.  For even just $19 a month donated directly to the Wounded Warrior Project, if enough of us would step up to the plate, a lot of good can be done.  Even if you can afford only one tax deductible donation, I know it will do so much good. One of my own nephews is a major in the US Army and recently served for many months in Afghanistan.  All during that assignment, many of us back home were hoping and praying he would come home alive and without a life-changing incident. Yes, those prayers were answered, praise Yahweh (that’s what “hallelujah” means).  But the whole ordeal made me wonder: how much help would he have received if it hadn’t ended so well?

WHY would I ask you to support this:
1.   We’re not supporting war by doing this.  I believe we are supporting people who need our help. Don’t turn your back on our Savior.  Why do I say that? Remember Messiah says in Matthew 25 that when we extend a hand to someone needing our help, He takes it personally.  “You did it unto me”, He says.

2.  It means we’re practicing what James taught in his epistle. We have to go beyond just saying “you’re in my thoughts and prayers”, but doing nothing concrete besides that to help the needy.  Sure, I believe in the power of prayer.  But James and Yeshua said in Matthew 25, that it must be tangible help as well, whenever it is in our power to do so. 

Read James 2:14-25 again and Matthew 25:37-43.

In the meantime, pray that He sets up His Kingdom soon and may there be peace on earth.