Don’t be oblivious to world events as we come to Atonement.

We’re right here at the doorstep of the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur (actually “the day of covering”). We will soon see cataclysmic world events, wars and catastrophes – and yet the US President would rather spend his time with ladies of The View and be interviewed by David Letterman and “the Pimp with a limp” than meet with Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu or other world leaders while they are in New York. It’s like our leaders and our people don’t realize the titanic world issues in front of us. And like the Titanic, even as it was sinking, the band continued to play on deck.  Are we any different?  Turn on the radio and we find more interest in the latest football or baseball game than in the world events in front of us. There’s more discussion about someone’s tax returns than on the US Libyan ambassador’s brazen assassination. 

World events are spiraling out of control, embassies are being attacked, and at the UN General Assembly the leader of Iran calls for Israel to be eliminated – but there is a deafening silence to his hate speech.  As I write, Iran is airlifting soldiers to Syria. There are “war games” going on in the Golan Heights with 20,000 Israeli soldiers.  Israel has just allowed Egypt to fly reconnaissance along the southern border with Egypt.  The stage is being set for war – and all the while, just like on the Titanic, “the band played on”.  We may within a year, probably much sooner, see a massive war involving Israel and its Arab neighbors, as well as Iran. This will invariably draw in much of the rest of the world as well. Iran openly says it will attack US bases in the area if it is attacked. We could have 100,000 US troops at risk.

In all of this, let’s be one of the few who are awake and alert. Let’s be praying and watching our relationship with Yahweh. I doubt the US election will avert a war with Iran. It just might happen sooner than later if Romney gets in. But war looks imminent.  Sounds like Yeshua’s words of “wars and rumors of war” in Matthew 24. Also pray for the country of Israel and the city of Jerusalem. We know the hills which ring Jerusalem will once again resound with the blasts of war before King Yeshua returns.  Then soon after that, in a soon-coming Yom Kippur, our King will put an end to the violence around Jerusalem and bind the real cause of all human woe – Satan the Devil. Then the true Jubilee will be sounded, when Satan’s captives and slaves will be set free all around the world.

Abba, your children implore you to hasten that day. Please send your Son – our King – soon, so your kingdom’s way will be the norm so that over time, the whole world will go your Way.  Come, our Saviour, come.