For you who want the truth about Christmas
For many people, so much of Christmas music is so beautiful. And the decorations can be exciting. You should see the decorations all over the front lawn of one of my neighbors. And without giving it much thought, many just get into the spirit of the season and before long, they’re fully engrossed in Christmas. And isn’t it all about Christ anyway? And what could be wrong with bringing Christ back into Christmas? But what if He was never IN it, folks?
Do you want to study deeper into what God REALLY thinks of Christmas? Does God love it, or hate it? He actually does tell us! I’ll include several links to short articles or blogs – and a sermon or two -- in this website that could help you find out.
Especially read the blog right below about Aaron’s gold calf and how Aaron tried to justify it by turning that terrible gold calf worship service into a day of worship to the one true living God! Aaron really did! Check it out in Exodus 32 the first few verses. But there’s much more in this blog. Blogs are short 10 minute reads. Here’s the link to that:
So many try to do the same thing with Christmas as Aaron did with the gold calf – calling it a celebration dedicated to worshiping Jesus at his birth, when more and more people are waking up to realize Jesus was never even born anywhere near Christmas and God commanded us not to mix worship of Him with anything to do with paganism or the way the world worships their gods.
Or DOES it even MATTER if we keep Christmas or not? Find out! Many of you might be thinking I’m making too much out of nothing here. But I’m not.
Jesus no doubt HATES his name associated with this pagan custom, just as He did when Aaron tried to tie the gold calf to the true God too. It didn’t impress God at all! In fact it infuriated God to bring a gold calf out and then say that day they would be worshiping the true God. Folks, remember this: God wants us to worship Him in spirit and TRUTH – not the long list of lies associated with Christmas like the date itself, flying reindeer and an all-knowing Santa, yule logs, mistletoe, and so much more. Why celebrate the Son of God with lies?
Don’t get me wrong. I believe deeply in the virgin birth and eventual death of Jesus for us, but not with the pagan trappings attached to His story today. So if you’d like to learn more, please look over these blogs and sermons. Write and tell me where you feel I’m wrong, but it won’t work to claim you’re just worshiping the true God – but with pagan foundations! But if I’m right – don’t mess with God and the way you worship Him!
You could find these links on your own, by the way, if you go into this website, then find the Search Bar at the top right of the home page, and simply type in “Christmas”.
Some people won’t fully participate in Christmas but see nothing wrong with “dabbling” in Christmas just a bit. They’ll maybe put a Christmas wreath on their door. Or go watch and listen to church choirs sing Christmas songs – like the Singing Christmas Trees. Or, they may feel if they focus on Christ for Christmas then they’re OK if they’re not doing all the traditions like Christmas gifts or Christmas trees. But IS that OK with God? This 40 minute sermon will give you things to think about. Does God have anything to say about it? How does HE feel about it all?
For those of you wishing to know the full true Biblical account of Christ’s birth – and how it wasn’t in December and so much more – this next link will be for you. Why do two of the gospels – Mark and John – totally ignore any mention or details of Jesus’ birth altogether? Were there three wise men or more? Did the wise men actually see Jesus in a manger, or was it somewhere else? What was the meaning of their three specific gifts? You’ll never think of Christ’s birth the same way after hearing this sermon.
One more: could the exact spot where Jesus was born have been foretold 700 years before his birth? I don’t mean just saying “in Bethlehem”. But WHERE in Bethlehem? This very short blog of where exactly our Messiah was born, will fascinate many of you.
We love Yeshua and His Hebrew name meaning “Savior”. Let’s honor and worship him correctly, 365 days a year, without mixing all that with anything from pagan roots.
Pass this on if it has given you pause or things to think about. May our Savior come again soon to save the world from itself.